Someone please test this version of mudela-book, I usually screw up code when I touch it. * --read-lys option, now you can do: mudela-book file.texi convert-mudela mudela-book --read-lys * --outdir=DIR will put ALL output into DIR * @mudela[filename="myfilename"]{c d e f g} * --force-mudela-fontsize * ignore mudela inside @ignore @end ignore Mark Hindley, can you test this in windows. I made a change to do what your patch did, but without requiring ash. I have removed the creating of *.mix files, since I could not see what they were used to. Give me a hint, and I'll insert the code again. (Don't include this version of as it is still even uglier than the original.) One more thing. I earlier reported some problems with 1.3.73, where tex or metafont consumed all cpu and memory. The problem was that I did ./configure with --prefix=/home/tom/ instead of --prefix=/home/tom . This made TEXINPUTS look like /home/tom//share/lilypond/tex:/home/tom//share/lilypond/ps:: The double // caused all the problems. Dont ask me why :-) Tom Cato
#!/usr/bin/python # vim: set noexpandtab: import time t1 = time.clock() # support bruk av convert-mudela # # option: # 11pt, 13pt, 16pt, 20pt, 26pt # singleline # multiline # fragment (used when a comment containg \score confuses mudela-book) # nonfragment (probably not needed) # verbatim # latex only options: # eps # # command line options # --defalt-mudela-fontsize # --force-mudela-fontsize # --outname # --force-verbatim make all mudela verbatim. Maybe not that useful # --dependencies # --dep-prefix # --no-pictures # --no-lily # TODO: Figure out clean set of options. # BUG: does not handle \verb|\begin{verbatim}\end{verbatim}| correctly. # Should make a joint RE for \verb and \begin, \end{verbatim} # TODO: add an option to read the .ly files from a previous run and dump # the .tex file, so you can do # # * mudela-book file.tex # * convert-mudela *.ly # * mudela-book --read-lys *.ly # import os import stat import string import re import getopt import sys import __main__ initfile = '' program_version = '1.3.69-very-unstable' include_path = [os.getcwd()] g_dep_prefix = '' g_outdir = '' g_force_mudela_fontsize = 0 g_read_lys = 0 g_do_pictures = 1 g_num_cols = 1 format = '' g_run_lilypond = 1 g_use_hash = 1 no_match = 'a\ba' default_music_fontsize = 16 default_text_fontsize = 12 # latex linewidths: # indices are no. of columns, papersize, fontsize # Why can't this be calculated? latex_linewidths = { 1: {'a4':{10: 345, 11: 360, 12: 390}, 'a5':{10: 276, 11: 276, 12: 276}, 'b5':{10: 345, 11: 356, 12: 356}, 'letter':{10: 345, 11: 360, 12: 390}, 'legal': {10: 345, 11: 360, 12: 390}, 'executive':{10: 345, 11: 360, 12: 379}}, 2: {'a4':{10: 167, 11: 175, 12: 190}, 'a5':{10: 133, 11: 133, 12: 133}, 'b5':{10: 167, 11: 173, 12: 173}, 'letter':{10: 167, 11: 175, 12: 190}, 'legal':{10: 167, 11: 175, 12: 190}, 'executive':{10: 167, 11: 175, 12: 184}}} texi_linewidths = { 'a4': {12: 455}, 'a4wide': {12: 470}, 'smallbook': {12: 361}, 'texidefault': {12: 433}} def get_linewidth(cols, paper, fontsize): if __main__.format == 'latex': return latex_linewidths[cols][paper][fontsize] elif __main__.format == 'texi': return texi_linewidths[paper][fontsize] raise "never here" option_definitions = [ ('EXT', 'f', 'format', 'set format. EXT is one of texi and latex.'), ('DIM', '', 'default-music-fontsize', 'default fontsize for music. DIM is assumed to in points'), ('DIM', '', 'default-mudela-fontsize', 'deprecated, use --default-music-fontsize'), ('', 'h', 'help', 'print help'), ('DIR', 'I', 'include', 'include path'), ('', '', 'init', 'mudela-book initfile'), ('DIM', '', 'force-music-fontsize', 'force fontsize for all inline mudela. DIM is assumed to in points'), ('DIM', '', 'force-mudela-fontsize', 'deprecated, use --force-music-fontsize'), ('', '', 'force-verbatim', 'make all mudela verbatim'), ('', 'M', 'dependencies', 'write dependencies'), ('', 'n', 'no-lily', 'don\'t run lilypond'), ('', '', 'no-pictures', "don\'t generate pictures"), ('', '', 'read-lys', "don't write ly files."), ('FILE', 'o', 'outname', 'prefix for filenames'), ('', 'v', 'version', 'print version information' ), ('PREF', '', 'dep-prefix', 'prepend PREF before each -M dependency'), ('FILE', '', 'outdir', "where to place generated files"), ] # format specific strings, ie. regex-es for input, and % strings for output output_dict= { 'latex': { 'output-mudela-fragment' : r"""\begin[eps,singleline,%s]{mudela} \context Staff < \context Voice{ %s } > \end{mudela}""", 'output-mudela':r"""\begin[%s]{mudela} %s \end{mudela}""", 'output-verbatim': r"""\begin{verbatim}%s\end{verbatim}""", 'output-default-post': r"""\def\postMudelaExample{}""", 'output-default-pre': r"""\def\preMudelaExample{}""", 'output-eps': '\\noindent\\parbox{\\mudelaepswidth{%(fn)s.eps}}{\includegraphics{%(fn)s.eps}}', 'output-tex': '\\preMudelaExample \\input %(fn)s.tex \\postMudelaExample\n', 'pagebreak': r'\pagebreak', }, 'texi' : {'output-mudela': """@mudela[%s] %s @end mudela """, 'output-mudela-fragment': """@mudela[%s] \context Staff\context Voice{ %s } @end mudela """, 'pagebreak': None, 'output-verbatim': r"""@example %s @end example """, # do some tweaking: @ is needed in some ps stuff. # override EndLilyPondOutput, since @tex is done # in a sandbox, you can't do \input lilyponddefs at the # top of the document. # should also support fragment in 'output-all': r"""@tex \catcode`\@=12 \input lilyponddefs \def\EndLilyPondOutput{} \input %(fn)s.tex \catcode`\@=0 @end tex @html <p> <img src=%(fn)s.png> @end html """, } } def output_verbatim (body):#ugh .format if __main__.format == 'texi': body = re.sub ('([@{}])', '@\\1', body) return get_output ('output-verbatim') % body def output_mbverbatim (body):#ugh .format if __main__.format == 'texi': body = re.sub ('([@{}])', '@\\1', body) return get_output ('output-verbatim') % body re_dict = { 'latex': {'input': '\\\\mbinput{?([^}\t \n}]*)', 'include': '\\\\mbinclude{(?P<filename>[^}]+)}', 'option-sep' : ', *', 'header': r"""\\documentclass(\[.*?\])?""", 'preamble-end': '\\\\begin{document}', 'verbatim': r"""(?s)\\begin{verbatim}(?P<code>.*?)\\end{verbatim}""", 'verb': r"""\\verb(.)(?P<code>.*?)\1""", 'mudela-file': r'\\mudelafile(\[(?P<options>.*?)\])?\{(?P<filename>.+)}', 'mudela' : '\\\\mudela(\[(?P<options>.*?)\])?{(?P<code>.*?)}', 'mudela-block': r"""(?s)\\begin(\[(?P<options>.*?)\])?{mudela}(?P<code>.*?)\\end{mudela}""", 'interesting-cs': '\\\\(chapter|section|twocolumn|onecolumn)', 'def-post-re': r"""\\def\\postMudelaExample""", 'def-pre-re': r"""\\def\\preMudelaExample""", 'intertext': r',?\s*intertext=\".*?\"', 'ignore': no_match, 'numcols': r"(?P<code>\\(?P<num>one|two)column)", }, 'texi': { 'include': '@mbinclude[ \n\t]+(?P<filename>[^\t \n]*)', 'input': no_match, 'header': no_match, 'preamble-end': no_match, 'verbatim': r"""(?s)(?P<code>@example\s.*?@end example\s)""", 'verb': r"""@code{(?P<code>.*?)}""", 'mudela-file': '@mudelafile(\[(?P<options>.*?)\])?{(?P<filename>[^}]+)}', 'mudela' : '@mudela(\[(?P<options>.*?)\])?{(?P<code>.*?)}', 'mudela-block': r"""(?s)@mudela(\[(?P<options>.*?)\])?\s(?P<code>.*?)@end mudela\s""", 'interesting-cs': r"""[\\@](chapter|section)""", 'option-sep' : ', *', 'intertext': r',?\s*intertext=\".*?\"', 'ignore': r"(?s)@ignore\s(.*?)@end ignore\s", 'numcols': no_match, } } for r in re_dict.keys (): olddict = re_dict[r] newdict = {} for k in olddict.keys (): newdict[k] = re.compile (olddict[k]) re_dict[r] = newdict def uniq (list): list.sort () s = list list = [] for x in s: if x not in list: list.append (x) return list def get_output (name): return output_dict[format][name] def get_re (name): return re_dict[format][name] def bounding_box_dimensions(fname): try: fd = open(fname) except IOError: error ("Error opening `%s'" % fname) str = () s ='%%BoundingBox: ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)', str) if s: return (int(, int( else: return (0,0) def error (str): sys.stderr.write (str + "\n Exiting ... \n\n") raise 'Exiting.' def compose_full_body (body, opts): """Construct the mudela code to send to Lilypond. Add stuff to BODY using OPTS as options.""" if __main__.format == 'texi': paper = 'texidefault' else: paper = 'letter' # yes, latex use letter as default, at least # my tetex distro music_size = default_music_fontsize latex_size = default_text_fontsize for o in opts: m = ('^(.*)paper$', o) if m: paper = (1) if g_force_mudela_fontsize: music_size = g_force_mudela_fontsize else: m = re.match ('([0-9]+)pt', o) if m: music_size = string.atoi( (1)) m = re.match ('latexfontsize=([0-9]+)pt', o) if m: latex_size = string.atoi ( (1)) if ('\\\\score', body): is_fragment = 0 else: is_fragment = 1 if 'fragment' in opts: is_fragment = 1 if 'nonfragment' in opts: is_fragment = 0 if is_fragment and not 'multiline' in opts: opts.append('singleline') if 'singleline' in opts: l = -1.0; else: l = get_linewidth(g_num_cols, paper, latex_size) if 'relative' in opts:#ugh only when is_fragment body = '\\relative c { %s }' % body if is_fragment: body = r"""\score { \notes { %s } \paper { } }""" % body opts = uniq (opts) optstring = string.join (opts, ' ') optstring = re.sub ('\n', ' ', optstring) body = r""" %% Generated by; options are %s %%ughUGH not original options \include "" \paper { linewidth = %f \pt; } """ % (optstring, music_size, l) + body return body def scan_preamble (str): options = [] if __main__.format == 'texi': x = 250 if string.find(str[:x], "@afourpaper") != -1: options = ['a4paper'] elif string.find(str[:x], "@afourwide") != -1: options = ['a4widepaper'] elif string.find(str[:x], "@smallbook") != -1: options = ['smallbookpaper'] m = get_re ('header').search( str) # should extract paper & fontsz. if m and (1): options = options + re.split (',[\n \t]*',[1:-1]) def verbose_fontsize ( x): if re.match('[0-9]+pt', x): return 'latexfontsize=' + x else: return x options = map (verbose_fontsize, options) return options def completize_preamble (str): m = get_re ('preamble-end').search( str) if not m: return str preamble = str [:m.start (0)] str = str [m.start(0):] if not get_re('def-post-re').search (preamble): preamble = preamble + get_output('output-default-post') if not get_re ('def-pre-re').search( preamble): preamble = preamble + get_output ('output-default-pre') # UGH ! BUG! #if ('\\\\includegraphics', str) and not ('usepackage{graphics}',str): preamble = preamble + '\\usepackage{graphics}\n' return preamble + str read_files = [] def find_file (name): f = None for a in include_path: try: nm = os.path.join (a, name) f = open (nm) __main__.read_files.append (nm) break except IOError: pass if f: return () else: error ("File not found `%s'\n" % name) return '' def do_ignore(match_object): return [] def make_verbatim(match_object): return [('verbatim','code'))] def make_verb(match_object): return [('verb','code'))] def do_include_file(m): "m: MatchObject" return [('input', get_output ('pagebreak'))] \ + read_doc_file('filename')) \ + [('input', get_output ('pagebreak'))] def do_input_file(m): return read_doc_file('filename')) def make_mudela(m): if'options'): options ='options') else: options = '' return [('input', get_output('output-mudela-fragment') % (options,'code')))] def make_mudela_file(m): if'options'): options ='options') else: options = '' return [('input', get_output('output-mudela') % (options, find_file('filename'))))] def make_mudela_block(m): if'options'): options = get_re('option-sep').split ('options')) else: options = [] options = filter(lambda s: s != '', options) if 'mbverbatim' in options:#ugh this is ugly and only for texi format s = im = get_re('intertext').search(s) if im: s = s[:im.start()] + s[im.end():] im ='mbverbatim', s) if im: s = s[:im.start()] + s[im.end():] if s[:9] == "@mudela[]": s = "@mudela" + s[9:] return [('mudela','code'), options, s)] return [('mudela','code'), options)] def do_columns(m): if __main__.format != 'latex': return [] if'num') == 'one': return [('numcols','code'), 1)] if'num') == 'two': return [('numcols','code'), 2)] def chop_chunks(chunks, re_name, func): newchunks = [] for c in chunks: if c[0] == 'input': str = c[1] while str: m = get_re (re_name).search (str) if m == None: newchunks.append (('input', str)) str = '' else: newchunks.append (('input', str[:m.start (0)])) newchunks.extend(func(m)) str = str [m.end(0):] else: newchunks.append(c) return newchunks def read_doc_file (filename): """Read the input file, find verbatim chunks and do \input and \include """ str = '' str = find_file(filename) if __main__.format == '': latex = ('\\\\document', str[:200]) texinfo = ('@node|@setfilename', str[:200]) if (texinfo and latex) or not (texinfo or latex): error("error: can't determine format, please specify") if texinfo: __main__.format = 'texi' else: __main__.format = 'latex' chunks = [('input', str)] # we have to check for verbatim before doing include, # because we don't want to include files that are mentioned # inside a verbatim environment chunks = chop_chunks(chunks, 'ignore', do_ignore) chunks = chop_chunks(chunks, 'verbatim', make_verbatim) chunks = chop_chunks(chunks, 'verb', make_verb) #ugh fix input chunks = chop_chunks(chunks, 'include', do_include_file) chunks = chop_chunks(chunks, 'input', do_input_file) return chunks def advance_counters (counter, str): """Advance chap/sect counters, Return the new counter tuple """ (chapter, section, count) = counter while str: m = get_re ('interesting-cs').search(str) if not m: break str = str[m.end(0):] g = (1) if g == 'chapter':#ugh use dict (chapter, section, count) = (chapter + 1, 0, 0) elif g == 'section': (section, count) = (section + 1, 0) return (chapter, section, count) taken_file_names = [] def schedule_mudela_block (basename, chunk, extra_opts): """Take the body and options from CHUNK, figure out how the real .ly should look, and what should be left MAIN_STR (meant for the main file). The .ly is written, and scheduled in TODO. Return: a chunk (TYPE_STR, MAIN_STR, OPTIONS, TODO, BASE) TODO has format [basename, extension, extension, ... ] """ if len(chunk) == 3: (type, body, opts) = chunk complete_body = None else:# mbverbatim (type, body, opts, complete_body) = chunk assert type == 'mudela' opts = opts + extra_opts file_body = compose_full_body (body, opts) if __main__.g_use_hash: basename = `abs(hash (file_body))` for o in opts: m = ('filename="(.*?)"', o) if m: basename = (1)#ugh add check if more than #one file has the same name assert basename not in taken_file_names taken_file_names.append(basename) # writes the file if necessary, returns true if it was written if not g_read_lys: update_file(file_body, os.path.join(g_outdir, basename) + '.ly') needed_filetypes = ['tex'] if format == 'texi': needed_filetypes.append('eps') needed_filetypes.append('png') if 'eps' in opts and not ('eps' in needed_filetypes): needed_filetypes.append('eps') outname = os.path.join(g_outdir, basename) if not os.path.isfile(outname + '.tex') \ or os.stat(outname+'.ly')[stat.ST_MTIME] > \ os.stat(outname+'.tex')[stat.ST_MTIME]: todo = needed_filetypes else: todo = [] newbody = '' if 'verbatim' in opts: newbody = output_verbatim (body) elif 'mbverbatim' in opts: newbody = output_mbverbatim (complete_body) for o in opts: m = ('intertext="(.*?)"', o) if m: newbody = newbody + (1) if format == 'latex': if 'eps' in opts: s = 'output-eps' else: s = 'output-tex' else: # format == 'texi' s = 'output-all' newbody = newbody + get_output(s) % {'fn': basename } return ('mudela', newbody, opts, todo, basename) def process_mudela_blocks(outname, chunks, global_options):#ugh rename (chap,sect,count) = (0,0,0) newchunks = [] # Count sections/chapters. for c in chunks: if c[0] == 'input': (chap,sect,count) = advance_counters((chap,sect,count), c[1]) elif c[0] == 'mudela': base = '%s-%d.%d.%d' % (outname, chap, sect, count) count = count + 1 c = schedule_mudela_block (base, c, global_options) elif c[0] == 'numcols': __main__.g_num_cols = c[2] newchunks.append (c) return newchunks def find_eps_dims (match): "Fill in dimensions of EPS files." fn (1) dims = bounding_box_dimensions (fn) return '%ipt' % dims[0] def system (cmd): sys.stderr.write ("invoking `%s'\n" % cmd) st = os.system (cmd) if st: error ('Error command exited with value %d\n' % st) return st def compile_all_files (chunks): eps = [] tex = [] png = [] for c in chunks: if c[0] <> 'mudela': continue base = c[4] exts = c[3] for e in exts: if e == 'eps': eps.append (base) elif e == 'tex': tex.append (base + '.ly') elif e == 'png' and g_do_pictures: png.append (base) d = os.getcwd() if g_outdir: os.chdir(g_outdir) if tex: lilyopts = map (lambda x: '-I ' + x, include_path) lilyopts = string.join (lilyopts, ' ' ) texfiles = string.join (tex, ' ') system ('lilypond %s %s' % (lilyopts, texfiles)) for e in eps: system(r"tex '\nonstopmode \input %s'" % e) system(r"dvips -E -o %s %s" % (e + '.eps', e)) for g in png: cmd = r"""gs -sDEVICE=pgm -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -q -sOutputFile=- -r90 -dNOPAUSE %s -c quit | pnmcrop | pnmtopng > %s""" cmd = cmd % (g + '.eps', g + '.png') system (cmd) if g_outdir: os.chdir(d) def update_file (body, name): """ write the body if it has changed """ same = 0 try: f = open (name) fs = (-1) same = (fs == body) except: pass if not same: f = open (name , 'w') f.write (body) f.close () return not same def getopt_args (opts): "Construct arguments (LONG, SHORT) for getopt from list of options." short = '' long = [] for o in opts: if o[1]: short = short + o[1] if o[0]: short = short + ':' if o[2]: l = o[2] if o[0]: l = l + '=' long.append (l) return (short, long) def option_help_str (o): "Transform one option description (4-tuple ) into neatly formatted string" sh = ' ' if o[1]: sh = '-%s' % o[1] sep = ' ' if o[1] and o[2]: sep = ',' long = '' if o[2]: long= '--%s' % o[2] arg = '' if o[0]: if o[2]: arg = '=' arg = arg + o[0] return ' ' + sh + sep + long + arg def options_help_str (opts): "Convert a list of options into a neatly formatted string" w = 0 strs =[] helps = [] for o in opts: s = option_help_str (o) strs.append ((s, o[3])) if len (s) > w: w = len (s) str = '' for s in strs: str = str + '%s%s%s\n' % (s[0], ' ' * (w - len(s[0]) + 3), s[1]) return str def help(): sys.stdout.write("""Usage: mudela-book [options] FILE\n Generate hybrid LaTeX input from Latex + mudela Options: """) sys.stdout.write (options_help_str (option_definitions)) sys.stdout.write (r"""Warning all output is written in the CURRENT directory Report bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Written by Tom Cato Amundsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and Han-Wen Nienhuys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> """) sys.exit (0) def write_deps (fn, target): sys.stdout.write('writing `%s\'\n' % os.path.join(g_outdir, fn)) f = open (os.path.join(g_outdir, fn), 'w') f.write ('%s%s: ' % (g_dep_prefix, target)) for d in __main__.read_files: f.write ('%s ' % d) f.write ('\n') f.close () __main__.read_files = [] def identify(): sys.stdout.write ('mudela-book (GNU LilyPond) %s\n' % program_version) def print_version (): identify() sys.stdout.write (r"""Copyright 1998--1999 Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License. It comes with NO WARRANTY. """) def do_file(input_filename): file_settings = {} if outname: my_outname = outname else: my_outname = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(input_filename)[0]) my_depname = my_outname + '.dep' chunks = read_doc_file(input_filename) chunks = chop_chunks(chunks, 'mudela', make_mudela) chunks = chop_chunks(chunks, 'mudela-file', make_mudela_file) chunks = chop_chunks(chunks, 'mudela-block', make_mudela_block) chunks = chop_chunks(chunks, 'numcols', do_columns) #for c in chunks: print c, "\n" global_options = scan_preamble(chunks[0][1]) chunks = process_mudela_blocks(my_outname, chunks, global_options) # Do It. if __main__.g_run_lilypond: compile_all_files (chunks) newchunks = [] # finishing touch. for c in chunks: if c[0] == 'mudela' and 'eps' in c[2]: body = re.sub (r"""\\mudelaepswidth{(.*?)}""", find_eps_dims, c[1]) newchunks.append (('mudela', body)) else: newchunks.append (c) chunks = newchunks if chunks and chunks[0][0] == 'input': chunks[0] = ('input', completize_preamble (chunks[0][1])) foutn = os.path.join(g_outdir, my_outname + '.' + format) sys.stderr.write ("Writing `%s'\n" % foutn) fout = open (foutn, 'w') for c in chunks: #if c[1] is not None: fout.write (c[1]) fout.close () if do_deps: write_deps (my_depname, foutn) outname = '' try: (sh, long) = getopt_args (__main__.option_definitions) (options, files) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], sh, long) except getopt.error, msg: sys.stderr.write("error: %s" % msg) sys.exit(1) do_deps = 0 for opt in options: o = opt[0] a = opt[1] if o == '--include' or o == '-I': include_path.append (a) elif o == '--version': print_version () sys.exit (0) elif o == '--format' or o == '-o': __main__.format = a elif o == '--outname' or o == '-o': if len(files) > 1: #HACK sys.stderr.write("Mudela-book is confused by --outname on multiple files") sys.exit(1) outname = a elif o == '--help' or o == '-h': help () elif o == '--no-lily' or o == '-n': __main__.g_run_lilypond = 0 elif o == '--dependencies': do_deps = 1 elif o == '--default-music-fontsize': default_music_fontsize = string.atoi (a) elif o == '--default-mudela-fontsize': print "--default-mudela-fontsize is deprecated, use --default-music-fontsize" default_music_fontsize = string.atoi (a) elif o == '--force-music-fontsize': g_force_mudela_fontsize = string.atoi(a) elif o == '--force-mudela-fontsize': print "--force-mudela-fontsize is deprecated, use --default-mudela-fontsize" g_force_mudela_fontsize = string.atoi(a) elif o == '--init': initfile = a elif o == '--dep-prefix': g_dep_prefix = a elif o == '--no-pictures': g_do_pictures = 0 elif o == '--read-lys': g_read_lys = 1 elif o == '--outdir': g_outdir = a identify() if g_outdir: if os.path.isfile(g_outdir): error ("outdir is a file: %s" % g_outdir) if not os.path.exists(g_outdir): os.mkdir(g_outdir) for input_filename in files: do_file(input_filename) t2 = time.clock() print "Time:", t2-t1 # # Petr, ik zou willen dat ik iets zinvoller deed, # maar wat ik kan ik doen, het verandert toch niets? # --hwn 20/aug/99