On Sat, Sep 02, 2000 at 03:49:51PM +0100, I wrote:

> [ editorial accidentals ]

> In a sense, this kind of accidental is like a mark (up-bow, staccato,
> etc), I think, at least typographically; would it make sense to add
> new marks like that? How would one go about it?

Am I right in thinking that the way to do this would be:
  1. Add a new glyph in feta-schrift.mf;
  2. Add a line in script.scm with the new glyph referenced;
  3. Add a line in script.ly to provide a shorthand for the new glyph;
  4. Rebuild .tfm and .*gf files?

Am I missing anything? Certainly the most simpleminded cut'n'paste
didn't seem to work (or at least, make in the mf/ directory gave Error
1). Anyway, if people think that the above will work in principle,
I'll give it a try.

> [ lyrics with \repeat ]

Judged to be a bad idea. Pity.

> I'm generally very happy with the quality of output, though I'd love
> to see at least an option for the __ lyric to end at the end of the
> last note rather than the beginning of the next note, if you see what
> I mean; maybe it's time I learnt C++ ...

I presume that there's a good reason that this hasn't been implemented
yet (like "it would change 50% of the code, 'cause we'd have to change
the data structures")? It's just kinda irritating, particularly when
there's a new line just at the end of the __. I know the workaround,
but that's not easily applicable. Ah well.

Now, having come to the end of a first draft of a piece, there are
some slightly suboptimal placement decisions that lilypond seems to
have made with lyrics and ties.

Could you have a look at 

? In particular, the hyphens in bar 10 in the top two parts seem to be
incorrectly kerned (there are more extreme examples in the rest of the
piece, which I daren't distribute currently as it is almost entirely
based on one edition; the syllable can completely overprint the
hyphen), and multiline ties seem to collide on the first bar of a line
with the clef (see bar 63, for example). But aside from those, the
lyrics do seem to be slightly placed to the left of centre in general
(for a typical example, see the final phrase in the top part).

This is with version 1.3.80.jcn1, but I couldn't see anything in the
Changelogs that would make a difference.

Thanks for your time,

Jesus College, Cambridge, CB5 8BL                           +44 1223 524 842
(FORMAT T "(~@{~w ~}~3:*'~@{~w~^ ~})" 'FORMAT T "(~@{~w ~}~3:*'~@{~w~^ ~})")

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