On Tue, Sep 05, 2000 at 09:10:39AM +0800, Glen Prideaux wrote:
> > > I'm generally very happy with the quality of output, though I'd love
> > > to see at least an option for the __ lyric to end at the end of the
> > > last note rather than the beginning of the next note, if
> > you see what
> > > I mean; maybe it's time I learnt C++ ...
> Lily can do that, but you have to tell it which notes go with which lyrics.
> As of 1.3.80 there was only one way to do this (now there are two). You need
> to explicitly set the LyricVoice context to match the Voice context. In your
> example, you'd need to do something like:
>     \context Staff="altostaff" <
>       \context Voice = "alto" \alto
>       \context Lyrics="al" \context LyricVoice = "alto-1" \altolyrics
>     >

> [snip]
> Try it and let us know how it goes.

I tried this (and a couple of variations on the theme) and,
unfortunately, nothing I did seemed to make any difference at all
:(. When you say "... tell it which notes go with which lyrics", does
that mean I have to put explicit durations with the lyrics (as I'm
currently doing) or explicit \melisma and \melismaEnd with the notes
(I tried this, and this didn't seem to help either...)? Or something


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