> I downloaded the binary version of lilypond 1.2.11 and installed it on my 
> RedHat 6.0 box.

That's a very old version, see the first FAQ on 

> I checked for the availability of all the mentioned necessary programs, and 
> everything sees to be OK on my system.
> When I try to compile the example ly2dvi menuet.ly, I get an error message :
> Unable to open file 'menuet.tex' (LaTex is on my system !)
> What can be the reason for this ?

Check that 'lilypond menuet.ly' produces an output file menuet.ly,
otherwise it should at least give an error message of some kind.
(ly2dvi is just a script that first calls lilypond and then
includes the result in a latex wrapper to typeset titles and
get a nice page layout)


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