And is that why the second alternative isn't printing right in the
attached file?

When I run ly2dvi on the attached file, I get the message:

Preprocessing elements... 
Calculating column positions... programming error: Negative dist, setting to 1.0 PT 
(Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: Negative dist, setting to 1.0 PT (Continuing; cross thumbs)
programming error: Insane spring found. Setting to unit spring. (Continuing; cross 

The output looks ok, except that the 2 and the line don't print over
the second alternative.

\header {
        composer = "John Dowland";
        crossRefNumber = "1";
        origin = "From The First Booke of songs or Ayres of foure parts, with 
Tableture for the Lute";
        tagline = "Lily was here 1.3.103.lec1 -- automatically converted from ABC";
        title = "I. Unquiet thoughts, your civil slaughter stint\\\\Cantus";
wordsdefaultV0 = \lyrics  {
Un-  qui-  et thoughts your ci-  vil slaugh-  ter stint, and wrap your 
wrongs with-  in a pen-  sive heart: and you my tongue that makes  _  my mouth a mint, 
and stamps my  
thoughts to coine them words by art, Be still: for if you e-  ver do the like, Ile cut 
string, Ile cut the string, that makes the ham-  mer strike. | strike.  
voicedefault = \notes {
\property Score.defaultBarType="empty"

\property Staff.TimeSignature \push #'style = #"C"
 \time 4/4; \key g \dorian; % %MIDI nobarlines
   d''2    d''4    d''4    ees''1  \bar "|";   r4   d''2    c''2    bes'4    
a'4.    a'8  \bar "|";   g'2    r4   a'4    bes'4    c''4      d''2  \bar "|";  
 ees''4    d''2    c''4  \bar "|";   d''4    bes'4    a'2  \bar "|";   r2   r4  
 c''4    bes'4    g'4    bes'2  \bar "|";   a'4    d''4.    c''8    bes'4    
c''4    c''4    d''2  \bar "|";   r4   a'4    bes'4    d''2        c''2    g'4  
\bar "|";   fis'4    bes'4    a'4.    a'8    g'1  \repeat volta 2 {   r4   d''2 
   bes'2    d''4    c''4    a'4  \bar "|";   bes'4    g'4    bes'4    c''4    
d''2    r4   a'4  \bar "|";   c''4    c''4        g'4    g'4    bes'4    bes'4  
  f'4    f'4  \bar "|";   bes'4    g'4    a'4    a'4    } \alternative{   g'1   
 } {   g'1  }  \bar "|.";    
        \notes <

        \context Staff="default"

        \context Lyrics="default" 
          { \$wordsdefaultV0 }

        \paper {
        \midi {}

    \context Lyrics
        { \lyrics "But what can slay my thoughts they may not start," }
        { \lyrics "Or put my tongue in durance for to die?" }
        { \lyrics "When as these eyes, the keyes of mouth and hart," }
        { \lyrics "Open the locke where all my love doth lie;" }
        { \lyrics "Ile seale them up within their lids for ever:" }
        { \lyrics "So thoughts, and words, and looks shall die together." }
        { \lyrics "" }
        { \lyrics "How shall I then gaze on my mistresse eyes?" }
        { \lyrics "My thoghts must have som vent: else hart will break." }
        { \lyrics "My tongue would rust as in my mouth it lies," }
        { \lyrics "If eyes and thoughts were free, and that not speake." }
        { \lyrics "Speake then, and tell the passions of desire;" }
        { \lyrics "Which turns mine eies to floods, my thoghts to fire." }

Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (801) 365-6574 
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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