LilyPond (which is not TeX, BTW) has been written for generating
`classic' music notation, but it has no special restrictions that
would make it impossible to adapt for modern music. However, noone has
yet stepped up yet for writing code for such avant-garde
notation. Have you got specific examples of what you'd like to have

> Hello,
> I am a composer of contemporary music (it's my job)
> How about an professional use of TeX for Music ? and not just
> for score so simple than all your exemples (it's an another performance
> to copie score of Boulez or Stockhausen ...)
> On this, I permit to send a mail to you because I never see anything
> about it
> in mailling list. In fact, does music with Tex is just for fun or
> serious ??
> I was working with Tex long time ago at university. I am not afraid
> about this kind of languge BUT i need to know if it's usable seriously.
> You know, it's a matter of time beetwen to learn an result.
> (I am tied of Final / I don't need midi things / I need to print exactly
> what I want / etc ...).


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |

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