Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:
> Christian Mondrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > What I personally prefer in that context is rather a way of entering
> > music lines in a source file resembling the order of the staff lines
> > in the real, resulting score.
> LilyPond has pmx and abc input conversion scripts, would that help?
> It should be rather straightforward to make a lilypond input converter
> for a new staff-oriented language that you might think up for this.
> > Even if it might be slightly off-topic I would like to share my very
> > positive experience with the shareware
> I do not consider this slightly off topic.  Advocating non free
> software on a GNU list suggests a more than moderate level of
> ignorance.

> > obvious typesetting choice since it offers access to line- and curve
> > drawing commands needed for some branches of contemporary notation.
> I have never seen a feature request for lines of curves.  Is there
> consensus about the musical meaning of such lines? 

of course there is not. A composer's choice of graphic notation will
most often intendedly be more or less open to the performer's

> Do you have an
> example?

The only score I have available at hand just now is the score of Kr.
Penderecki's "Polyforphia" for 48 strings from 1961 (from the
commercial! publisher Moeck Verlag) containing lots of curves, lines and
patterns as part of the notation. But there are lots of other examples
from the post 2nd world war avantgarde music.

> > This is not meant as an encouragement to drop lily! I highly appreciate
> > the efforts put into the lily-development and the results of it.
> > Christian Mondrup, Computer Programmer
> The best way for a computer programmer to show his appreciation for a
> free software package would be to implement some of the killer
> features any other non free packages may have :-)

I see your point of view as a not very constructive and unnecessary
fundamentalism. As a devoted long time user of GNU software (and
contributor to the GNU lilypond documentation) I don't see any point in
excluding serious, even if non-free, software from a discussion of how
to meet special notational needs. Besides I would not dream of making
any attempts of killing neither the excellent works of the Mup
development staff nor those of the Lilypond staff.

Christian Mondrup, Computer Programmer
Scandiatransplant, Skejby Hospital, University Hospital of Aarhus
Brendstrupgaardsvej, DK 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark
Phone: +45 89 49 53 01

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