> Arg, try
>    ChordName \override #'word-space = #1

That did it.  Great!

> Yes, what happens if you remove the cygwin-check from lily.scm, and
> keep only the #t setting, like so:
>     ;; don't check!
>     ;; The regex module may not be available, or may be broken.
>     ;;(define use-regex
>     ;;  (let ((os (string-downcase (vector-ref (uname) 0))))
>     ;;    (not (equal? "cygwin" (substring os 0 (min 6 (string-length
>     ;; If you have trouble with regex, define #f
>     (define use-regex #t)

Hmm, this is strange.  This is what's in the lily.scm that came with

(define use-regex
  (let ((os (string-downcase (vector-ref (uname) 0))))
    (not (equal? "cygwin" (substring os 0 (min 6 (string-length os)))))))

;; If you have trouble with regex, define #f
(define use-regex #t)
;;(define use-regex #f)

Since this was uncommented out, shouldn't lily have caught this?

-- Shamus

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