It looks as if your TeX installation (MikTeX?) isn't done correctly.
The latex format file is called latex.fmt and should be located
somewhere below the texmf\ directory. Anyway, I think there's a
menu item in the start menu to reconfigure MikTeX. 
You can test that latex works correctly with 
>>latex sample2e
in a DOS window.


> I have now downloaded and installed the latest Windows version of lilypond
> from the NT/95 pages. I.E 1.3.46
> Following the instruction there I need to download and unzip the geometry
> package. I have done this. When I run
> 'Latex Geometry.ins' I see various messages flash past from latex then
> .
> .
> .
> Transcript written on latex.log.
> INITEXMF: tex.exe failed on latex
> I can't find the default format file!
> If I carry on and run thru the angels demo stuff I get the same error
> message plus some extra lines from the ly2dvi script
> .
> .
> .
> Transcript written on latex.log.
> INITEXMF: tex.exe failed on latex
> I can't find the default format file!
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "C:\lilypond\bin\", line 1170, in ?
>     main()
>   File "C:\lilypond\bin\", line 1131, in main
>     outfile.end()
>   File "C:\lilypond\bin\", line 361, in end
>     os.rename(this.__tmpbase + '.dvi', outfile)
> OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
> The Midi file is created, but no dvi. I think the error must be in the way I
> have installed latex - but I can not see where. I have gone back thru the
> archives of this list and can not find the exact situation I am in
> described.
> If I do a 'tex angels.tex' command after the script fails I get a dvi file
> with the music displayed, but no other details, so tex seems to be working.
> Does anyone know which file latex is referring to when it talks about the
> 'default format file' Also can anyone tell me where to look for the
> latex.log file referred to. I can't find it anywhere and there may be
> something in it that may help me track this down.
> Thanks in advance if anyone can shed some light of this.
> Al Matthew
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