OK - Red Face time!!!!!

I went back to the MikTeX site and paged down below the download. There is
an important notice saying - download this update to latex as it fixes a
problem with the format file. Downloaded it - installed it refreshed and
rebuilt then it all ran OK

I should have RTFM!! (sort of)

Al (remember to page down) Matthew

-----Original Message-----
From:   Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Monday, 11 December 2000 22:22
To:     Alistair Matthew
Subject:        Re: Installation problems with 'latex geometry.ins' and format file

It looks as if your TeX installation (MikTeX?) isn't done correctly.
The latex format file is called latex.fmt and should be located
somewhere below the texmf\ directory. Anyway, I think there's a
menu item in the start menu to reconfigure MikTeX.
You can test that latex works correctly with
>>latex sample2e
in a DOS window.


> I have now downloaded and installed the latest Windows version of lilypond
> from the NT/95 pages. I.E 1.3.46
> Following the instruction there I need to download and unzip the geometry
> package. I have done this. When I run
> 'Latex Geometry.ins' I see various messages flash past from latex then
> .
> .
> .
> Transcript written on latex.log.
> INITEXMF: tex.exe failed on latex
> I can't find the default format file!
> If I carry on and run thru the angels demo stuff I get the same error
> message plus some extra lines from the ly2dvi script
> .
> .
> .
> Transcript written on latex.log.
> INITEXMF: tex.exe failed on latex
> I can't find the default format file!
> Traceback (innermost last):
>   File "C:\lilypond\bin\ly2dvi.py", line 1170, in ?
>     main()
>   File "C:\lilypond\bin\ly2dvi.py", line 1131, in main
>     outfile.end()
>   File "C:\lilypond\bin\ly2dvi.py", line 361, in end
>     os.rename(this.__tmpbase + '.dvi', outfile)
> OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
> The Midi file is created, but no dvi. I think the error must be in the way
> have installed latex - but I can not see where. I have gone back thru the
> archives of this list and can not find the exact situation I am in
> described.
> If I do a 'tex angels.tex' command after the script fails I get a dvi file
> with the music displayed, but no other details, so tex seems to be
> Does anyone know which file latex is referring to when it talks about the
> 'default format file' Also can anyone tell me where to look for the
> latex.log file referred to. I can't find it anywhere and there may be
> something in it that may help me track this down.
> Thanks in advance if anyone can shed some light of this.
> Al Matthew
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