I have some more lily questions.  I hope you don't mind me asking.  I
really try finding the answers on my own, usually for a few hours.

1. I have a score with soprano, alto, tenor, and bass parts on
   seperate staves and I have a treble and bass "piano reduction"
   aligned vertically below the four parts.  I'd like the treble and
   bass clef staves to be in a smaller font and have smaller notes in
   them.  Is this possible?  The only thing that looked like it might
   work from input/test was cue-notes.ly, but I compiled that file and
   all the notes were the same size.

2. Same music example as above.  How can I tell lily to put more
   vertical space between the 4 parts and the piano reduction, to help
   set them apart?

3. Some Dover editions use two small slanted and parallel lines on the
   left and right hand sides to further distinguish between main parts
   and reductions.  Is this possible?

4. Is it possible to rotate 90 degrees the text that goes in
   Staff.instrument?  It's hard to have a long instrument name without
   going off the page now.

5. I have a \mark at the beginning of a piece (not attached to a
   note).  I'd like the \mark text to go below the bass clef in a
   staff with a treble and bass clef, but right now it's put above the
   treble cleff staff.  I've tried many variations of: "\property
   Staff.markDirection = \down" to no avail.  The best effect I got
   was to get the text in between the treble and bass clefs.

6. How do you print sharp and flat signs inside of a \mark?


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