> 1. I have a score with soprano, alto, tenor, and bass parts on
>    seperate staves and I have a treble and bass "piano reduction"
>    aligned vertically below the four parts.  I'd like the treble and
>    bass clef staves to be in a smaller font and have smaller notes in
>    them.  Is this possible?  The only thing that looked like it might
>    work from input/test was cue-notes.ly, but I compiled that file and
>    all the notes were the same size.

input/test/staff-size.ly is a better place to look.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work as it should, see my
question at 

> 2. Same music example as above.  How can I tell lily to put more
>    vertical space between the 4 parts and the piano reduction, to help
>    set them apart?

See input/test/vertical-extent.ly

> 3. Some Dover editions use two small slanted and parallel lines on the
>    left and right hand sides to further distinguish between main parts
>    and reductions.  Is this possible?

You can probably tweak it in some way, but I don't know how.

> 4. Is it possible to rotate 90 degrees the text that goes in
>    Staff.instrument?  It's hard to have a long instrument name without
>    going off the page now.

See the example and patch in 

> 5. I have a \mark at the beginning of a piece (not attached to a
>    note).  I'd like the \mark text to go below the bass clef in a
>    staff with a treble and bass clef, but right now it's put above the
>    treble cleff staff.  I've tried many variations of: "\property
>    Staff.markDirection = \down" to no avail.  The best effect I got
>    was to get the text in between the treble and bass clefs.

If you read carefully at 
you will learn that RehearsalMark:s are created by a Mark_engraver
which is included in the Score context. You'll also learn
that RehearsalMark has a property called direction, so you
should try
      RehearsalMark \override #'direction = #-1
\property Score.RehearsalMark \override #'direction = #-1

> 6. How do you print sharp and flat signs inside of a \mark?

One strategy is described in the on-line FAQ,
(the question on fermatas). A more convenient solution using
the new font selection mechanism is possible if you apply
the patch in
and do
\mark #'(music "accidentals-0"); 


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