> Lilypond defaults produce lines which are legible even at half the
> customary size (4.25 16ths") and many programs don't, but *no*
> typesetter or engraver would simply reduce everything by half to get
> the smaller size. There would necessarily be design differences, and
> liquid ink itself causes a difference.
> I am not asking for a different font for every size, but I think that it
> would be a good idea to have all line thicknesses, including stems,
> bars, beams, brackets--all practicable, and horizontal spacings somewhat
> proportionately greater for smaller sizes, the way they would be with
> typeset or engraved music, to make the smaller sizes more legible.

I agree completely. I guess it's mostly a matter of setting
up all the parameters correctly for the different sizes, but
we'll probably find a few unexpected dependencies between the
different parameters on the way. Also, the font sizes of,
for example, text scripts are not perfect today, not even for
the standard 20pt size.

> BTW I never got any version of lilypond with documentation to install on
> mdk 7.2. I gave up when faced with the prospect of downloading over 10
> megs of java sc on a 24.6k phone line, with no guarantee that that would
> be the end of it. (A runtime environment wasn't enough.} The
> distribution simply doesn't have enough tools. It installed at least. Rh
> 7.0 froze.

Excuse my ignorance, but what's mdk and what has Java got to 
do with it. Are you compiling Lilypond yourself or installing
RPMs? The former may actually be easier.

> Is it possible to have ly2dvi produce separate files for each page? I'm
> sorry this did not occur to me long ago, but this would solve the
> problem of what to do about double side printers extra pages, and also
> provide a more flexible way of printing both sides for us poor people.
> Double sided printers could use a script or even wildcards, and the rest
> of us could simply turn the pile over--*or not*.  For myself, I see no
> prospect of *ever* wanting to have multiple printable (not source) pages
> in a single file without their being zipped and tarred, because I tend
> to print 12 to 80 copies at a time.  :-)

Use the flags to dvips to select which pages to include in
the Postscript file:
-A              Print only odd pages
-B              Print only even pages
-pp2-4,17-31    Print only pages 2-4 and 17-31, for example


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