Excuse my ignorance, but what's mdk 
Sorry, Mandrake 7.2
 and what has Java got to 
do with it.
The Java develpment kit, not the source (oops), is needed to make the
documentation bibliography.
mdk doesn't have it, or bison, or texinfo.
Are you compiling Lilypond yourself 
I was, yes.
or installing RPMs? The former may actually be easier.
It would be easier if it were possible, but it is not. I would not
attempt to install lilypond on a mdk7.2 system until there is a -mdk.rpm
available. That is going to have to come from mdk. I've had enough. :-)
Use the flags to dvips
Thank you. That makes more sense than using ly2dvi. "dvips -i* foo"
looks good?

daveA (debian.user)

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