> \documentclass[12pt,letter]{book}      % Specifies the document class
> \usepackage{geometry}
> \begin{document}
> \section*{IIII. If my complaints}
> \label{sec:complaints}
> \subsection*{Cantus}
> \label{sec:complaintscantus}
> \lilypondfile{complaints-1.ly}
> \geometry{landscape}

As far as I understand, the \geometry command should only
be used in the document preamble also in pure LaTeX 
documents. I tried a modified version of your example
without the lilypondfile commands and I got the same
line width both before and after the \geometry{landscape}
commands and no rotation of the output. The lscape package, 
on the other hand, provides an landscape environment which 
probably does what you want. 
I think this was discussed on this list some months ago, but
I don't remember the conclusions. Anyway it seems that 
lilypond-book doesn't support \begin{landscape}...\end{\landscape}
at the moment.


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