>>>>> "Laura" == Laura Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Laura> I'm throwing a curve ball at lilypond-book.  What I want is to have
Laura> alternate pages in portrait and landscape.  This is so that I can
Laura> spread out the part books so that four people around a table can sing
Laura> or play from them, the way John Dowland originally published his
Laura> works.

I did this with Unquiet Thoughts -- it works if each bit is in a

Here's the `UQT.tex' that works with lilypond 1.3.126
Process with lilypond-book --default-music-fontsize=11 to fit onto 2
A4 pages.


cantus=\notes\relative c'' {
        \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t

        d2 d4 d4 es1|
        r4 d2 c bes4 a4. a8 |
        g2 r4 a bes c d2 |
        es4 d2 c4 d bes a2 |
        r2 r4 c4 bes g bes2 |
        a4 d4. c8 bes4 c c d2 |
        r4 a4 bes d2 c2 g4 |
        fis bes a4. a8 g1 |
        \repeat volta 2 {
                r4 d'2 bes d4 c a |
                bes g bes c d2 r4 a4 |
                c c g g bes bes f f |
                bes4 g a a
        } \alternative {
          {  g1 | }  
          {  g1 | }

        Un-2 qui-4 et thoughts1 |
        ""4 your2 ci-2 vill4 slaugh-4. ter8 |
        stint2 ""4 and wrap your wrongs2 |
        with-4 in2 a4 pen- sive hart:2 |
        ""2 ""4 And you my tongue2 |
        that4 maks4. my4. mouth4 a minte,2 |
        ""4 and stamps my2 thoughts2 to4 |
        coyne4 them words4. by8 arte:1 |
        \repeat volta 2 {
                ""4 Be2 still for4 if you |
                ev- er doo the like,2 ""4 Ile |
                cut the string, Ile cut the string, that | 
                maks4 the ham- mer
        } \alternative {
                 strike.1 |
                 strike.1 |
        \context Staff = Cantus <
        \notes {\clef "soprano";\key g\minor;\time 2/2;
          \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'old2/2
          \property Staff.NoteHead \set #'style = #'mensural
          \property Voice .Rest \set #'style = #'mensural
          \property Voice . Stem \set #'stem-centered = ##t
        \cantus }
        \context Lyrics = cantus \cantusWords
        \paper {
          castingalgorithm = \Wordwrap;
But what can staie my throughs they may not start,\\
or put my tongue in durance for to dye?\\
When as these eies the keyes of mouth and harte\\
Open the locke where all my loue doth lye;
Ile seale them vp within their lids for euer,\\
so thoughts \& words and looks shall dye together,
\end{verse}}\hskip 1.0cm\parbox{0.45\textwidth}{\begin{verse}
How shall I then gaze on my mistresse eies?\\
My thoughts must have some vent els hart will break,\\
My tongue would rust as in my mouthe it lies\\
If eyes and thoughts were free and that not speake.\\
Speake then and tell the passions of desire\\
Which turns mine eies to floods, my thoghts tofire\\
\vskip -4.0cm


altus=\notes\relative c''{
        \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t

        bes2 bes4 bes g1 |
        d2 d4 e fis g2 fis4 |
        g2 r4 fis4 g a bes4. bes8 |
        a4 fis g4. g8 fis4 r8 g a4 c |
        bes g g fis g4. g8 d2 |
        f4 bes4. a8 g4 a8 bes4 a8 bes4 r8 bes |
        a4 fis g4. fis8 [d8 e] f4 es2 |
        d d4. c8 b2 r4 g'4 |
        \repeat volta 2 {
                fis4 a d, g f2. c4 |
                d d g4. g8 fis2 r4 c4 |
                c es es bes d d d d |
                d c4. a8 d4
        \alternative { 
                {  b2 r4 g'4 | } 
                {  b,1 |}} 
altusWords=\lyrics {
        Un-2 qui-4 et thoughts,1 |
        your2 ci-4 vill slaugh-2. ter4 |
        stint2  ""4 and wrap your wrongs4. with-8 |
        in4 a pen-4. sive8 hart,4 ""8 and8 you4 my |
        toung that makes my mouth4. a8 minte,2  |
        my4 toung4. that8 makes4 my8 mouth4 a8  minte,4 ""8 and8 | 
        stamps4 my thoughts4. to8 coine4. __ ""8 them2 |
         words by4. __ ""8 art2 ""4 be |
         \repeat volta 2 {
                 still be still for if2. you4 |
                 ev-4 er do4. the8 like2 ""4 Ile |
                 cut the string Ile cut the string that |
                 makes4 the4.  ham-8 mer4 
        } \alternative {
                strike.2 ""4 Be |
        } { 
        \context Staff = altus  <
        \notes {\clef "mezzosoprano";\key g\minor;\time 2/1;  
          \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'old2/2
          \property Staff.NoteHead \set #'style = #'mensural
          \property Voice .Rest \set #'style = #'mensural
          \property Voice . Stem \set #'stem-centered = ##t
        \altus }
        \context Lyrics = altus \altusWords
        \paper {
          linewidth = 14.0\cm;
          castingalgorithm = \Wordwrap;


bassus=\notes\relative c' {
        \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t

        bes2 g4 bes es,1 |
        g2 d d d4 d |
        g,2 r4 d'4 g f bes bes, |
        c d es4. es8 d4 g2 fis4 |
        g bes a4. a8 g2 r4 g4 |
        f d g2 f bes,2 |
        r1 r4 f' c c| 
        d2. d4 g,2 r2 
        \repeat volta 2 {
                r1 r2 f'2 |
                d4 g4. f8 es4 
                d4 d  f  f| c c es es 
                bes bes  d  d |g es d d }
        \alternative{ {g2 r2} {g1}

        Un-2 qui-4 et thoughts,1 |
        your2 civ- ile slaugh-4 ters |
        stint,2 ""4 and4 wrap your wrongs with- |
        in a pens-4. ive8 hart,4 wrongs2 with-4 |
        in a pens-4. ive8 hart,2 ""4 that4 |
        makes my mouth2 a mint |        ""1     ""4 to coine them |
        words2. by4 
        arte,2 ""2 |
        \repeat volta 2 {
                ""1 ""2 ev-2 |
                er4 do4. __ ""8 the4 like,4 Ile cut the |
                string, Ile cut the string, the string that |
                makes4 the ham- mer
        } \alternative { 
                { strike2 ""2 | }
                { strike1 | } 

\score{ \context Staff = bassus  <
        \notes {\clef "F";\key g\minor;\time 2/2;
          \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'old2/2
          \property Staff.NoteHead \set #'style = #'mensural
          \property Voice.Rest \set #'style = #'mensural
          \property Voice.Stem \set #'stem-centered = ##t
        \bassus }
        \context Lyrics = bassus \bassusWords
        \paper {
          linewidth = 7.0\cm;
          castingalgorithm = \Wordwrap;

tenor=\notes\relative c' {
        \property Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t

        f2 g4 [f8 bes,] bes1 |
        bes2. a2 g4 d'4. c8 |
        b2 r4 d4 d f f4. d8 |
        c c bes4. a8 g4 a r8 bes c4 a |
        d2 r4 bes4 d2 r4 bes4 |
        c g [bes8 c d bes] f'4 g,2 r8 bes8 |
        c4 d g,4. a8 bes4 [a8 bes] c4. bes8 |
        a4 g g fis g2 es'2  |
        \repeat volta 2 { 
                d4. [c8 bes] a g4 bes2 a4 f4 ~ |
                f4 bes4. a8 g4 a a a a |
                g g g g f f bes a4 ~ |
                a8 g8 g2 fis4 
                      { g2 es'2 | } 
                      { g,1 | } 
        Un2 qui-4 et thoughts,1 |
        your2. civ-2 ile4 slaugh-4. ter8 |
        stint,2 ""4 and4 wrap your wrongs4. with-8 |
        in a pen-4. sive hart,4 ""8 and you4 my |
        tonge2 ""4 my4 tonge2 ""4 that |
        makes my mouth4. __ ""8  a4 mint,2 ""8 and |
        stampes4 my thoughts,4. my8 thoughts4 to8. __ ""16 coine4. to8 |
        coin4 them words by  art,2 be2 | 
        \repeat volta 2 {
                still4. for8 if4 you4 ev-2 er4 do2 the2. __
                like4 ile4 cut the | string  
                ile cut the string that makes4 the4 __ % should be the2 
                ""4 ham2  mer4 
        } \alternative {
                { strike.2 Be2 | }
                { strike.1  | }

  \context Staff = Tenor <
  \notes {\clef "alto";\key g\minor;\time 2/2;
          \property Staff.TimeSignature \set #'style = #'old2/2
          \property Staff.NoteHead \set #'style = #'mensural
          \property Voice.Rest \set #'style  = #'mensural
          \property Voice.Stem \set #'stem-centered = ##t
        \tenor }
        \context Lyrics = Tenor \tenorWords
  linewidth = 14.0\cm;
  castingalgorithm = \Wordwrap;

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