=============John Sankey
I am informed that, if I were to travel to the USA, where the Bach
copyright infringement occured, and put up something in the region of
$50,000 for lawyers, that I would win.
You have been grossly misinformed. You need to contact a prosecutor in
the appropriate office of the Justice Department and persuade him/her to
file suit/charges. This should not be too difficult to do, assuming that
you have a case. Build a fire under your foreign office to make contact
for you. Did some lazy SOB tell you wrong because they did not want to
be bothered? :-) There is no reason for this to cost you anything,
because copyright cases are decided in a *criminal* court, not a civil
one. *Any* prosecutor would much rather work for you, the victim, than
work for your lawyer-solicitor-barrister, so it is probably to your
advantage *not* to have legal representation. *Do it!* Nail the

Very few copyright cases get to trial, because the US courts do a half
decent job with them, unlike the abominable joke that they make of the
patent laws, which are (not!) enforced in civil proceedings.

There is too much of a "so sue me" attitude in this country. I met a man
who had a bad check for over $1000 from a customer and it never occurred
to him to file felony charges against him, and settle for his money, his
house, his car and maybe even his wife instead of the mere $1000. People
with assets rob others at their peril, or at least that's the way the
law is supposed to work.

Go get 'em! and their stuff! Always increase your demands, so that they
have nothing to hope for from delay. Delay is not tolerated in criminal
courts the way it is in civil courts. Their lawyer will tell them to buy
you off. As soon as there is a court date, you have their BIYH, so don't
be cheap.
daveA (debian.user)

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