Matthias Loitsch wrote:

>I converted my .ly file to a .dvi file and the result is pretty good.
>but when I tried to convert the .dvi file to .pdf (with dvipdf) or first the
>.dvi to .ps (with dvips) and then the .ps file to .pdf (ps2pdf) , the quality
>of the .pdf files is really not acceptable.

We use dvips and ps2pdf (GhostScript 5.50) on Mutopia which gives nice output
when printed, but when viewed in Acrobat Reader (and even gv to a lesser
extent) it looks quite bad. Have you tried printing the pdfs out?

Using the above method means that the fonts are encoded into the ps/pdf as
bitmaps (300dpi I think, by default). It would be nice to have them embedded
as scalable fonts, but no one's come up with a simple way of doing this yet,



Chris Sawer - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mutopia Maintainer

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