> Well, it's a general problem that macros operate on specific context.
> For instance \clef F; is a shorthand for
>          \property  Staff.clefGlyph = "clefs-F"
>          \property  Staff.clefPosition = 2
>          \property  Staff.clefOctavation = 0
> Okay. But what if I have defined my own staff-context and named it
> FancyStaff...? To get an F-clef I would then need
>          \property  FancyStaff.clefGlyph = "clefs-F"
>          \property  FancyStaff.clefPosition = 2
>          \property  FancyStaff.clefOctavation = 0
> which I cannot do in a shortform; - I have to enter all three lines as
> above.
> The solution, ofcourse, would be to redefine \clef F to some sort of
>          \property  \thiscontext.clefGlyph = "clefs-F"
>          \property  \thiscontext.clefPosition = 2
>          \property  \thiscontext.clefOctavation = 0

Interesting. You're second person who asked (the first one was Jan),
and I'd rather solve this differently, eg. by adding alias fields to
contexts, so you can do

          \translator { \StaffContext
                  \name "FancyStaff";
                  \alias "Staff";

I could make it so that \property Staff.X also finds the FancyStaff
(once it exists).  Does that sound good to you?

> Well, but nevertheless please allow the
> \property \var.foh = bar

ah, ok, will do

> syntax... It'll sure come handy. Sorry for language ugly... Late in the
> evening... Brushes her long blond hair... Noooott :-((( C.U.

My darling, you were wonderful tonight :)


Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen/

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