On Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 03:28:15PM +0100, Rune Zedeler wrote:
> Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> > > The metafont book.
> > 
> > you can buy this book, but you can also download it on any ctan mirror
> > eg.
> > 
> >         ftp.cs.uu.nl/pub/tex-archive/systems/knuth/mf/mfbook.tex
> Okay, the file didn't look like it wanted to be texed (contained some
> spooky "this file is copyrighted - please don't tex it" - and lots of
> definitions was missing).
> In  our local bookstore i have to pay dKr 280 (about 25 british pounds)
> for it, which I find quite expensive. And it was even a bit off in price
> (because the book was in a not soo good pohysical shape).
> Is there nowhere on the web where I can find free documentation?
> -Rune
  You should buy it.  It's a good book.  Here's a "Temporary"(TM) fix though.

  Change the following lines...

  \errmessage{This manual is copyrighted and should not be TeXed}\repeat
\pausing1 \input manmac
\ifproofmode\message{Proof mode is on!}\pausing1\fi

  To this
%  \errmessage{This manual is copyrighted and should not be TeXed}\repeat
\input manmac % \pausing1 \input manmac
%\ifproofmode\message{Proof mode is on!}\pausing1\fi


  <>< Truth

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