The attached file does what I expect if I run ly2dvi on it.  The
spacing isn't optimal, but it comes out on 2 pages.  However, if I
use it as a \lilypondfile in the attached .lytex file and run
lilypond-book on it, it claims it can't find a good spacing, and comes
out with lots of really sparse lines on 4 pages. 

It doesn't look any different to me from all my other files that come
out on two pages whether I use lilypond-book or not.  The only
difference I see is that I'm manually specifying the clef-glyph and
line for the incipit bass clef on the third line.  Is this a bug? Does
anyone know a workaround?

#(set! point-and-click line-location)
#(set! point-and-click line-location)
\header {
        composer = "Thomas Morley"
        crossRefNumber = "1"
        footnotes = "\\\\original clef: F on third line"
        origin = "Canzonets, or Little Short songs to three voyces, "
        tagline = "Lily was here 1.4.0 -- automatically converted from ABC"
        title = "XIIII. Lady if I through grief\\\\Bassus"
% incipit for
% written by on Tue Jun  5 08:47:56 EDT 2001
%originalclef=\notes{\clef "varbaritone"}
firstnote=\notes{  r\breve     d''8    }
range=\notes{<a, d'>}
modernclef=\notes{\clef "bass"}
keysignature=\notes{\key g \dorian }
timesignature=\notes{\time 4/4  }
%incipit template /home/lconrad/ 
incipit = \notes {
\property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'mensural
\property Staff.clefGlyph = #"clefs-mensural2_f"
\property Staff.clefPosition = #0
%                 \property Staff.clefOctavation = extra transposition of clefname

    \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'old
\bar "|"
% now draw modern clef and key signature in normal font
\property Voice.NoteHead \override #'style = #'baroque
\property Staff.fontSize = #-1
\property Voice.fontSize = #-1
\property Voice.Stem \override #'transparent = ##t
\property Staff.fontSize  = #0
\property Voice.fontSize = #0
\property Voice.Stem \override #'transparent = ##f
\bar "|."
\context Staff \outputproperty #(make-type-checker 'clef-interface) #'full-size-change 
= ##t
\property Staff.forceClef = ##t

%end incipit

wordsdefaultVA = \lyrics  {
_ _ La-  dy if I through griefe, through griefe and your dis-  
dayn- ing; judg'd be to live in hel e- ter- nal- ly re- main- ing, ad- judg- ed be 
las) to live in hell, to live in hell, e-  ter-  nal-  ly re-  main-  ing: Of those my 
burn-  ing flames, my burn-  ing flames, of those my burn-  ing flames, well  
shall I rest con-  tent, well shall I rest con-  tent, con -  tent-  ed: O but you I  
grieve and wayle, O but you I wayle I wayle, who ther must be tor -   
ment-  ed: For when I shall be hould you, for when I shal be hould  
you, your eyes a-  lone, a-  lone your eyes, will so de-  light me, your eyes a-   
lone, a-  lone your eyes your eyes will so de-  light mee, de-  light mee, your  
eyes a-  lone a-  lone your eyes, La-  dy, your eyes a-  lone a-  lone your eyes will  
so de- light me, that once I know no paine can af- fright me; But this "(a-"   
las) o would  _   _   _   _  have kild  _   _   _   _  me I, I, do not doubt you; ther 
to have  
ben a- lone with out you, with out you, But this "(a-" las) o would _ _ _ _ have   
kild  _   _   _   _  mee I, I, doe not doubt you; ther to have ben a-  lone with  
out you, with out you.  
voicedefault = \notes {
\property Staff.noAutoBeaming = ##t
\property Score.breakAlignOrder = #'(
\property Staff.forgetAccidentals = ##t
\property Voice.NoteHead \override  #'style = #'baroque
\property Staff.Custos \override #'style = #'mensural
\property Score.defaultBarType="empty"
% %gchordfont Helvetica 12 box
 % %MIDI nobarlines
 \property Staff.TimeSignature \override #'style = #'C
 \time 4/4 \key g \dorian \clef bass
 % %MIDI transpose -24
 % 1
   r\longa   d4    d8    e8    f4    d4    c2    c2    f4    d4    f4    g4    
% 2
   a2      d2 ^"\large\bf \large\bf A"   d'4    d'8    c'8    bes4    d'4    c'4    
c'4    f4    f4 
   g4    d4    a2    d2    r4   bes,4    bes,8    c8    d8    e8    % 3
     f8    g8    a8    bes8    c'4    a4    c'4    c'4    f4    f4    g4    g4  
  a4    bes4    a2      d4 ^"\large\bf \large\bf B"   d'4    d'4    d'4    % 4
   a4.    bes8    c'4    c'4    g4.    a8    bes4    bes4    f4.    g8    a4.   
 bes8    c'4    c'4    % 5
   g8    f8    g8    a8    bes4    bes4    f8    g8    a8    bes8    c'4    c2 
  d4    a2      a2 ^"\large\bf \large\bf C"   bes1.    a2    g1    f1    % 6
   g1    a1    d2    d'1    c'2    bes2    g2    bes2    a2    g2    g2    d2   
 f2    e1    d2    c2    % 7
   bes,1      a,2 ^"\large\bf \large\bf D"   r4   a4    a4.    a8    f4    f4    bes2  
  g2    f4   
 f4.    f8    c2    d4    a2    % 8
     d4 ^"\large\bf \large\bf E"   d'4    d'4    d'4    c'8    bes8    a8    bes8    
c'4    c'4    
bes4    g4    bes2    f4    a4    a4    a4    % 1r
   g8    f8    e8    f8    g4    g4    d4    f4    f4    f4    c2    c4    c4   
 d1    a,4    a4    % 2r
   a4    a4    bes8    a8    g8    a8    bes4    g4    f4    f4    f4    f4    
c'8    a8    c'8    d'8    c'4    d'4    % 3r
   a2    a2    d1    a4    f4    f8    g8    a8    bes8    c'2    bes4    bes4  
  a1      d1 ^"\large\bf \large\bf F"   bes4    bes8    bes8    % 4r
   a2    g2    f8    g8    a8    bes8    c'4    c4    d8    e8    f8    g8    
a4    f4    c'4    a4    g4    a4    bes2    a4    a4.    e8    f4    % 5r
   e4    d4    cis4    d4    a,1    a,1    a,1    a,1      d1 ^"\large\bf \large\bf G" 
bes8    bes8    a2    g2    f8    g8    a8    bes8    c'4    c4    % 6r
   d8    e8    f8    g8    a4    f4    c'4    a4    g4    a4    bes2    a4    
a4.    e8    f4    e4    d4    cis!4    d4    % 7r
   a,1    a,1    a,1    a,1    d1 ^\fermata   \bar "|."   
        \notes <

        \context Staff="default"

        \context Lyrics="default" 
          { \wordsdefaultVA }

        \paper {
\consists Custos_engraver
}       }
        \midi {}
\documentclass[12pt,letter]{book}      % Specifies the document class

\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Lady if I through griefe,}
\markboth{Lady if I through griefe,}{Lady if I through griefe,}

\section*{                                        XIIII. Lady if I through griefe, }




Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] , )
(617) 661-8097  fax: (801) 365-6574 
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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