At 06:54 PM 6/3/99 +0300, Alexandru Harsanyi wrote:
>Why can't gnucash download the stock prices each time it is started?.
>When the user  loads a file it should ask the question "You stock price
>info is x days old. Do you want do download new stock prices?" and
>download the information if the user wants to.
>I believe there's no need for actualized stock prices as long as the user
>does not use the data. Of course if you want gnucash monitor the stock
>prices it's another story...
>After all, you not only need to run the scripts, but you must also set up
>an Internet connnection if the user has a dial-up line instead of a
>permanent link. This complicates the problem...

This is all true but I believe they are also looking at something along the
lines of a bill reminder, or scheduled transactions.  For instance, my
paycheck is direct deposited into my checking account every friday morning.
 I would like GnuCash to automatically insert this into my data file
without me even starting it.  Of course this will only work if you are a
salaried employee, or your pay is same each week.  But you could also have
a dialog popup on startup summarizing all of your additions by the
scheduler.  Thus leaving you to adjust as necessary.

Anyhow I think that they are thinking beyond just stock price updates.  But
I *do* like your idea!  It sounds like an excellent alternative if the
current idea never pans out.

Jeremy Collins

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