> > Also, I had an idea regarding duplicate transactions during QIF importing.  
> > Since the QIF files are now being imported as a batch process,  you can make 
> > the assumption that if a transfer exists between two accounts that are 
> > being imported, it should appear in both accounts. 
> That's right.  Is that not working correctly for you?  The import code
> is supposed to detect transfers between accounts and handle
> elimination of duplicates.

I just set up 1.3.3 and imported all my .qif files as a single batch,
starting from an empty gnucash.

I was delighted to see the huge balance in my chequing account.
But not by the very negative one in my professional account.

What it comes down to is that I *still* get duplicates.

For example, the register for account "chequing" now contains (in multiline

11/23/1998 net    transfer to visa                      r  1,000.00           
                  33038681              visa - personal    1,000.00

and a few lines later,

11/23/1998 ov013  transfer to visa                      n  1,000.00          452,288.
                  33038681              visa - personal    1,000.00

The only thing different between these two transactions is the "Num"
field ("net" vs "ov013"), and the "R" field ("r" vs. "n").  I believe you
said you ignore these differences.  Something must wtill be wrong.

When I jump to the "visa - personal" account register, both transactions
also appear there -- with the same one reconciled and the same one unreconciled.

The proper result should have been only one transaction, reconsiled on the
"chequing" account, and unreconciled on the "visa - personal" account.

And in another place in the register, entries are duplicated even though
there is no difference in Num or "R" (both have a blank number and an "R" field of 

> > Maybe with an assumption like this it could be possible to relax the
> > restrictions on detecting a duplicate transaction, and then more
> > things would match.
> The assumption now is just that the accounts are cross-references, the
> amounts are equal and opposite, and the date is the same.  How much
> more relaxed could we get?
> What sort of duplicates aren't getting weeded out now?  Keep in mind
> that if a QIF transaction is a duplicate of a transaction already in
> your Gnucash account, it must meet more exacting match criteria to get
> eliminated by the account merge procedure.  Is that the situation
> you're seeing? 

I'm seeing transactions duplicated that I can see *no* difference between.

Oh.  One thing I just thought of.  During import, I had to identify
a few accounts -- cases where gnucash had made two accounts, one from the
Quicken account name, and one from the name of the file.
As far as I know, each of my transfer transactions in the entire six years
of records involves at least one such account.  Could there be a confusion
between account identity before and after renaming?  Or is this a red herring.

> Thanks,
> Bill Gribble
> --
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