On Mon, 15 May 2000, Christopher Browne wrote:
> d) [This starts getting questionable...] Merge data for the transactions
> together, say pulling all the non-blank fields from the input file
> in to replace what's in GnuCash.
I'd like some sort of merging. Can we come up with simple rules that work
for everyone?
For instance, the transactions in the .qifs that I get contain a
date, an amount, and a description like "CHQ#00453-0041094785". The existing
transaction that I typed in contains a different date, the cheque
number "453", the description "CHQ#00453", a memo, and a transfer account.
Assuming that the matching rules were loose enough for GnuCash to match them
up, I'd like the merge to keep the imported description and the existing cheque
number, memo and transfer account.
What about the date? Does existing accounting practice say which date to use?
Do different countries have different practices?