> On Fri, 12 May 2000, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> > > As for changing "reconciled" transactions, it is unclear to me what
> > > relationship exists between the "transaction" and the "JEs".
> >
> > It is the JEs that get reconciled.
> Right. But to what does the "Payee" belong?

I presume whoever you wrote the cheque out to.
Payees are not necessarily in one-to-one correspondence with the
accounts at the other ends of transactions.
(a) The payee might be the name of an agent for whomever you are paying.
(b) the other account might be more like a Quicken category than a payee,
perhaps "Automobile expense" instead of "Jim's gas station".

> > I occasionally do change the date when I find the date on which I actually
> > wrote the cheque (the bank only gives cleared dates).
> Which brings us to a slight problem. For tax purposes, I must use the date 
> written. That can make it difficult to match up with the file from the bank.
> Do we need to store both a transaction date and the posted date?

I thought we already did store both dates.

-- hendrik.

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