
I can testify that it's a real PAIN to make a solid installer FRAMEWORK,
but once a very solid template/framework is in place things go very
smooth and very fast.

Found this out when doing Application Packaging with IBM GSA (~60,000
user site).  The initial application "package" goes out into the real
world, and xxx amount of people have trouble with it on their systems. 
You then create template version 1.01 (etc) and include automatic
workarounds to these cases (generic if possible, then specific if not)
and create another package of the application.  And so on with new
releases.  The templates then get used by every application, but every
package has some scope to customise the templates to fit it, etc.

This could actually become quite a decent open source project itself. 
Cross-unix or cross-platform installer.  Maybe there's others out there
already which can be utilised or adapted?

Regards and best wishes,

+ Justin Clift

> It's been rumoured that Garrett Robert Banuk said:
> >
> >   Yes, I've thought about doing this. Maybe on my free time over this
> > summer. I was going to do this for my college project but it just
> > seems to small.
> I think you wildly underestimate how hard it is to do a good installer.
> I think you could do this as a college project, and finish it, and
> realize that what you finished is just a good start, with a whole lot
> more that needs to be done.
> --linas

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