Thanks to you both for your very prompt replies.  Using 1.2.5 was a
mistake.  I certainly had meant to use the most recent version so I
appreciate your pointing it out to me.  So, I tried 1.4 but I can't get
it to compile, even after upgrading guile to 1.4, which required
upgrading glib to 1.2.8, and gtk to gtk+ 1.2.8.  ./configure ends with
the following error message:

checking for remove... yes
checking for shmat... yes
checking for IceConnectionNumber in -lICE... yes
checking for deflateEnd in -lz... yes
checking for jpeg_read_scanlines in -ljpeg... yes
checking for png_read_image in -lpng... no
checking for XpmReadFileToXpmImage in -lXpm... yes
./configure: gnome-config: command not found
checking gtk-xmhtml/gtk-xmhtml.h... configure: error: Cannot find
gtk-xmhtml.h.  See the README for more info.

Gnome seems to work but SuSE didn't seem to put a 'gnome-config'
anywhere.  Any further suggestions?  Do I have to compile gnome to get
gnome-config?  Or is it just a problem of configure not finding where
SuSE puts things (I've gotten the impression the SuSE sometimes puts
things in unexpected places.)  

Also, is gnucash-devel the right place to ask these questions?  I don't
believe there is a separate list devoted to help questions but I'd be
happy to use it instead.  Thanks in advance for any additional help!
Robert Graham Merkel wrote:
> Andy Bernat writes:
>  > Hi!
>  > I just successfully compiled gnucash 1.2.5 (successful in the sense of
>  > getting no errors) but when I try to run gnucash I get the message:
>  >
>  > gnucash: bootstrap file is /usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/bootstrap.scm
>  > gnucash: [W] "failure loading ""/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/prefs.scm"
>  > gnucash: [W] "failure loading
>  > ""/usr/local/share/gnucash/scm/text-export.scm"
>  > ERROR: Unbound variable: gnc:*config-dir*
>  >
>  > Both the prefs.scm and text-export.scm are where the program seems to
>  > be looking. The files appear to be ok but not really knowing what to
>  > look for I don't know if there are errors or missing lines in these
>  > files.    I tried compiling both as a user and as root and I used the
>  > simple ./configure, make, make install sequence with no options
>  > specified.  Thanks in advance for any suggestions/advice.
>  > Regards,
>  > Andy.
> Why don't you try the 1.4.x stable series?  It's a huge improvement
> over 1.2.x (and has less bugs than 1.2.x), and the file formats are
> totally compatible.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Robert Merkel                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ------------------------------------------------------------

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