Christopher Browne writes:
> By the way, it is _well_ worth taking a look at the GnuE docs;
> <>
> This page indicates:
> "Amounts of money will not be stored as decimal(9,2) because there are
> some coutnries (e.g. -in the middle east) where there are 3 digits after
> the decimal point.  I would suggest to use a signed 64-bit-integer,
> unless the database does not support that.  In that case, decimal(18,0)
> would possibly be appropriate for every currency of the world.  In either
> case, amounts of money would be expressed in the smallest unit, e.g. in
> US-Cents, in British Pence, in German Pfennig and so on.
> THere would of course be a currency table in which per currency is
> defined how many digits are after the decimal point, and how calculated
> amounts in that currency are to be rounded (e.g. - in Switzerland amounts
> are rounded by 0.05!)."

Thanks for the GNUe reference, I wasn't aware of that project. It
occurred to me that they might have addressed the re-denomination
problem already, so I subscribed to their list and asked.

It turns out that the section you quote is just a proposal to start
discussion -- they have not decided on a specific solution yet. They
also had not considered currency redomination. At any rate, the first
response I received basically summarized our main proposals :)

The poster (Reinhard Mueller, one of their main people, I think)
leaned toward creating new currencies as redominations occur, but
there will probably be more responses.

Given the commonalities between our two projects, I'm hoping we
will be able to share our work in the future.


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