On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 08:36:22AM -0500, Greg Hewgill wrote:
> I've just started using gnucash 1.6 (migration from Money 95). I've been
> running the reports and have found some odd discrepancies. In particular, in
> the expenses piechart (account-piecharts.scm), even expense accounts that have
> a negative balance over the requested time interval show up as pie slices.
> That's just not right. :)
> In particular, I have an expense account where I entered some money that I
> loaned to a friend a while ago. As he repaid me over time, I have entered
> offsetting transactions so once he's done, the account balance will be zero.
> However, if I run a report for just the last couple of months (so my initial
> payment to him is not included), I get his repayments to me showing up as
> "expenses" in the pie chart.

I don't suppose you've tried simply deselecting that particular account 
in the report options?

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