On 04/11/2007 09:30 AM Josh Sled wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-04-11 at 00:56 -0400, Volker Englisch wrote: 
>> I've tried an older data file but saw the same problem.  However, the 
>> file may not have been old enough.  I'll go searching on my backups to 
>> find a file that's definitely old enough and try again as soon as I have 
>> a little more time (this weekend maybe).
> I went through a small number of random SX-containing datafiles created
> with 1.8 I had lying around, and they seemed to convert the SXes
> correctly.  I'll still need to do some more exhaustive testing, but the
> cases I've thrown at it work so far.

Unfortunately, I can not confirm this.  I took my old 1.8 file and 
opened it with the r15872.  After spitting _a lot_ of warning messages 
like this one on the screen

/home/venglisc/g2-test/test1.8.gc:199386: namespace error : Namespace 
prefix fs on day is not defined

it did open the data file but all of my transactions scheduled annually 
were converted to a January date.  The day of the month is correct 
though.  For instance,
    March   23rd is converted to January 23rd,
    June    15th is converted to January 15th,
    October 1st  is converted to January 1st, ...
The monthly transactions are converted correctly.

> I've just committed r15872, which reverts r15855, which removed the
> "-Wno-unused" flag from configure.in.  

Thank you for this change.  That took care of the swig compile error.

Coming back to the View button in the Edit Scheduled Transactions window 
this is still not doing anything for me even with the latest version 
using a complete new checkout from SVN.
I'm including a screen shot so you can see what I see:

The one thing that I'm not crazy about are the two drop down menus for 
Frequency and Start Date of the Frequency tab spanning over the entire 
width of the window when the text fills hardly 20% of the width.  Even 
though this is not new to the tabbed display it probably appears worse 
now because the layout is not as crowded.

Since I'm already creating snapshots allow me to mention another thing 
that's not new but I haven't yet reported.
The little window displays when you hover over the calendar of the SXs 
only adjusts in size to display additional information but it does not 
At first, you start out with a small window to display just a single or 
  a few transactions for a day:
If you hover over a day with a lot of SXs the window increases as necessary:
The window size of this larger window is then fixed regardless how many 
transactions are being displayed, which looks a little funny.

Let me know if you'd like me to enter an issue to Bugzilla for this.

Volker Englisch
gnucash-devel mailing list

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