On Sun, 2007-09-30 at 18:41 +1000, Bryan Cebuliak wrote:
> string-append (_ "Total ex ") (_ taxname)
> instead of :
> string-append "Total ex "  taxname
> seems to work for my locale .
> Is that ok?
> On 9/30/07, Bryan Cebuliak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Derek, I think I may have broken the internationalisation in the total
> > ex tax entry.e.g line 126 in invoice-flex.scm Please advise on how
> > translation may be incorporated here. I just now  learned what N_ and
> > _ mean sort of.
> > Please excuse my raw beginnership in Scheme and Gnucash coding.
> > Bryan
> >
> > On 9/29/07, Bryan Cebuliak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Dear Derek,
> > > Attached please find replacements for invoice.scm easy-invoice.scm and
> > > fancy-invoice.scm.
> > > [The *-flex.scm files should be copied to their respective namesakes
> > > in the proper location.]
> > > The modifications include user editable invoice title name and tax
> > > name. The total column heading reflects what the column actually is:
> > > total minus tax. There is also a friendlier no invoice prompt included
> > > which I see you have already fixed.
> > >
> > > These additions in user input will make uptake of Gnucash more
> > > palatable at least for users in English speaking areas such as
> > > Australia and New Zealand where there are legal requirements for how
> > > an invoice must be presented.  They circumvent the workarounds
> > > mentioned here which are unrealistic for most small businesses:
> > > http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_change_.22Invoice.22_to_.22Tax_Invoice.22_as_required_in_Australia.3F
> > > and will help the strugglers such as:
> > > http://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2007-May/020369.html
> > >
> > > Note for example in Canada GST is not included in the total price but
> > > in Australia and NZ it is. So, flexible column and subtotal tax names
> > > and clarity in what is included in the total is essential for world
> > > domination.
> > >
> > > Please try the files and if no problems are found add them to subversion.
> > > Perhaps the concepts in the program may inspire someone to make the
> > > Gnucash invoice even more translatable? Any suggestions?
> > > Cheers from your bleeding user,
> > > Bryan Cebuliak
> > > Brisbane Queensland

Thanks Bryan, from a grateful Aussie.

I took your flex files and copied them into 

I then renamed invoice.scm as invoice-old.scm and so on for the other

Then I renamed the invoice-flex.scm as invoice.scm and so on for the
other two.

On booting gnucash, however, the program would not now start.

Is there a conflict with a config file somewhere now?

Looking for guidance with eager anticipation of a good result.

Yours faithfully

Andrew Greig
Community Distributor OpenOffice.org.

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