Nathan Buchanan wrote:

2. Use GDA V4. We will probably send time fixing bugs here, but we are
almost guaranteed that a release will happen. The advantages of this
approach is that we will be current with the new GDA and releases will be
done for us (or in conjunction with us - depending on how closely we work
with the GDA team). Work done here will not be towards a dieing version. The
disadvantages are that we will probably be limited to sqlite until the other
providers are completed. We may have to distribute pre-release versions of
the code until there is a 4.0 release, but after that, we hand it over to
the "official" releases.

I agree with this.

My personal opinion is that we go with #2, use GDA V4. We will need to do
fixes in either #1 or #2. From a maintenance point of view it's better to
put those fixes towards a version that has a reasonable chance of a release.
(This does, of course, assume that V4 actually gets completed). At best the
other providers get implemented and we have all of them available. At worst,
we're stuck with sqlite for a while.

If we really need mysql/postgres right away - it's going to involve
significant work regardless of the option chosen.

I would like postgres, but I would prefer a stable and supported library more in the long run even if it mean waiting longer. Use of a library attracts development of that library, I think if gnucash uses V4 it will be an extra reason for V4 to be maintained and supported.


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