Quoting Phil Longstaff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Derek Atkins wrote:
>>>>> to switch.
>>>> Do you want to do this in the gda-dev or would you like a new branch
>>>> to work from?   Branches are cheap.
>>> At this point, I'll work in gda-dev.
>> Okay.  I was just thinking that maybe "dbi-dev" would be a more
>> appropriate name.  But up to you.
> What I'm actually doing is breaking out core "sql-based" code which uses
> abstract connection, statement, result and result-row objects.  I'll
> then use this to create a gda backend, to test the concept (and code)
> and then a dbi backend.  For the gda backend, this ends up being a split
> and restructure of the current code.  For the dbi backend, this means
> reimplementing connection/statement/result/result-row in terms of dbi.
> You could create sql-dev if you want it to be in a more appropriately
> named branch.  As long as I'm isolated from everyone else, I don't care.

This sounds like an excellent plan!

I think there's just a lot of cruft in the current gda-dev branch which
is why I was suggesting a new one.  Like I said, branches are cheap.

You have full access to SVN so you could create a new branch yourself:

   svn cp .../trunk .../branches/sql-dev

> Phil


       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
       [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        PGP key available

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