John Ralls ( said: 
> On Dec 28, 2010, at 9:06 PM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> > John Ralls ( said: 
> >> 2. Gtk+-3.0 is supposed to be released next month. It removes a bunch of 
> >> libraries which have been deprecated for several years upon which Gnucash
> >> at present depends. All code that depends on those libraries needs to get
> >> rewritten or we're not going to be in a bunch of distros by the end of 2011
> > 
> > ?
> > 
> > Gtk-2 isn't going to be removed from things like Fedora or RHEL anytime
> > sooon. Much like Qt3 has yet to go away, it's likely to live on for a
> > while, even if it's not the 'default' version of the toolkit.
> WTF? I said exactly that _one_sentence_later_, suggesting that we'll need to 
> have
> two branches to support both the aggressive and conservative distros.

My point is that even the aggressive distributions are going to have gtk2
around... it's not going to disappear there. (If you want, you could compare 
life on GNOME 1.x, which lasted 4 years after the release of GNOME 2.0.)

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