Am Donnerstag, 7. Juli 2011 schrieb Tim M:
> > Tim, you realize that in order to rewrite the reports in whatever
> > language you like, you'll have to become quite expert at Scheme anyway,
> > right? You're not going to save yourself any work or learning by
> > translating the reporting system into another language.
> Yes, I realize that :)  But, at least once a rewrite is done it will be
> much easier to make changes going forward.

I suggest not to try to re-write the existing reports. Indeed this would 
require to understand the existing Scheme reporting framework. Instead, I 
suggest to just go ahead and experiment in python to create some HTML output 
from some calculations as suitable for the intended report output. Eventually, 
maybe an idea for an alternative python-based reporting framework might 
evolve. Even more eventually, the gnucash developers will make a decision 
about whether the old or such an experimental new reporting framework is the 
more useful one in the long run. Only after that point (i.e. once a new 
framework has shown its potential value) I would revisit the question of 
rewriting the old reports into some new framework.


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