On Jul 7, 2011, at 9:48 PM, Tim M wrote:

> What I'm looking for is this:
> Separate the act of actually gathering the data from the GnuCash database 
> from transforming it for display, so that the output can be made much more 
> interactive and easy to style and make 'pretty' :).  Use a well known 
> programming language to aggregate the data to make it easier to create new 
> reports which output different sets of data.
> I've thought about this a little bit, and here is what I am thinking.  Let me 
> know if this sounds un/reasonable or just plain incorrect.  (Note that I am 
> basing this off of not being familiar yet with how the current scheme 
> architecture actually manages pulling the data out of gnucash, so please 
> correct me where I am wrong or point out the significant flaws)
> 1. Create the 'new' reporting system alongside the existing one so that the 
> reports do not suffer until the existing functionality can be fully replaced 
> by the new system.  After all reports are replaced and working, the old 
> scheme code could be pulled.
> 2. Create a set of libraries and/or use the existing gnucash libraries for 
> querying information from the database.  Based on the discussion, I presume C 
> or Objective C would be best and just avoid Python/Scheme altogether (I am 
> not sure how the scheme system actually performs the data queries right now). 
>  If all the necessary code is already in place, then this does not require 
> any work.
> 3. Using these libraries, create the code for aggregating the data (also in C 
> or Objective C) for each report.  A single prototype report would be OK to 
> start.  Output the report data as structured XML.  The XML data should adhere 
> to an XML schema.
> 4. For each report, create an XSLT file which will transform the data into 
> HTML/XHTML for display.
> 5. A small amount of javascript would be needed to perform the actual XSLT 
> transformation but it would be pretty small.
> 6. Style the page elements using CSS.  Also, I think the jqplot patch that 
> has been made could be migrated in to the new reporting system, as those 
> graphs look really nice.
> I think there are several benefits to this approach:
> 1. Currently reports can only be exported as HTML.  By making the reporting 
> code export an XML data structure, reports could be easily exported from 
> GnuCash as XML (pre-transformation) or as HTML (post-transformation).
> 2. Anyone could write their own XSLT transformation file to display the data 
> differently.
> 3. The actual XSLT, HTML, and CSS code would be very easy to read and modify 
> by anyone familiar with it.  The backend reports would still be in 
> C/Objective C for compiling the data and as such require some coding 
> knowledge, but it would be much easier to start using than the existing 
> scheme code.
> 4. The XSLT and CSS could be very easily modified and applied not only inside 
> of GnuCash, but a user could also take the XSLT and CSS scripts, modify and 
> apply them to the exported XML reports to give it their own look without 
> touching the GnuCash code base at all.  For example they might want to style 
> a report with a company logo or different colors or other graphical elements.
> 5a. In the future, it would be possible to provide multiple different XSLT 
> and/or CSS styles for the reports so users could select the appearance of the 
> reports. (If someone writes additional styles)
> 5b. In the future, it would be possible to allow users to import their own 
> style sheets into GnuCash and apply them to the reports. (if someone writes 
> the code to manage the import and style selection)
> 6. No reliance on Scheme or Python. Minimal Javascript, but that should be 
> handled easily by webkit.

I like the idea of XML output with XSLT to transform it to HTML. That would be 
a great enhancement. 

Moving away from a heavy-weight general language like Scheme or Python is the 
right directin, but switching to C is unfortunately a step backward for custom 
reports. The current Scheme query interface makes it difficult to write a 
custom query; a C (or any other compiled language) query would make it 
impossible for anyone who isn't able to recompile Gnucash. Besides, C isn't 
really very expressive as a query language. Something SQL-like would be better. 
A query-by-example GUI would be best. I suppose that could be split off as a 
separate project, though, so that the Scheme query capability would remain  for 
custom reports while the standard reports have their queries written in C.

John Ralls

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