On 18-01-13 22:25, Christian Stimming wrote:
Am Freitag, 18. Januar 2013, 17:33:52 schrieb Geert Janssens:
I have written an experimental bootstrap script
Excellent! That's great.

In fact, I had to solve a very similar problem in another project, and ended
up learning the crude syntax and limited commands of Windows' cmd.exe "shell".
But VBS is surely much better suited for this task.
I originall started in Windows' cmd.exe "shell" as well, but quickly decided it would become very cumbersome. VBS isn't perfect either (eg. I haven't found a reliable way yet to capture/redirect output from sub processes) but it's at least much more flexible.
I have a minor suggestion concerning the default location: With the newer
Windows versions, users are strongly discourages to write anything into C:\ .
Instead, at least in Windows 7 there is a true home directory, accessible via
"%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%" . Maybe you should change the default location from
C:\soft for those systems that have a %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% into




The actual naming choice is up to you or whoever changes the code, but we
should pick up the availability of the %HOMEPATH%.
These are very good suggestions, thanks. I quickly checked and both variables are available already in WinXP, so I can use them without any further Windows version checking.

On the other hand, using these variables will result in a base path containing spaces (at least on Windows XP), which until now is still explicitly discouraged in our guidelines for Windows GnuCash developers. So we risk opening a can of worms with this change. But now is as good a time as any to try and clean up that mess for once and for all.

I'll see what I can do.

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