It occurs to me that perhaps matching should be separated into two separate 
dialogs, perhaps wrapped in an assistant: The first one would match 
already-entered transactions and the second would run the account matcher on 
the remaining unmatched ones. That would simplify both the UI and the matching 
code. Getting something like that done in time for 4.0 isn't likely, though.

This is still non trivial, though. "The first one would match already-entered transactions": If you mean: go through entered transactions and match to imported ones, this also needs some heuristics so the matcher would have to be involved. Or perhaps you means something else.

I don't think this can be fixed for 4.0 either. The fix isn't trivial.

On a related note, is it expected that an already-cleared transactions should appear in the list of matches, if the "Enable update match action" option isn't on? It seems that it shouldn't but maybe I don't quite understand the match logic...

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