I have compiled version 4.9 (Ubuntu 20.04) from sourceforge.net and 
have trouble with the "glib-schemas".
The installation seemed to run without errors, but when I start Gnucash
I get these outputs:
* 16:48:51  INFO <gnc.gui            > [gnc_load_app_icons] Path 14:
* 16:48:51  INFO <gnc.gui            > [gnc_load_app_icons] Path 15:
* 16:48:51 ERROR <GLib-GIO           > g_settings_new_full: assertion
'schema != NULL' failed
* 16:48:51  WARN <gnc.app-utils.gsett>
[gnc_gsettings_get_settings_ptr()] Ignoring attempt to access unknown
gsettings schema org.gnucash.GnuCash.general
* 16:48:51 ERROR <gnc.app-utils      > GVariant*
gnc_gsettings_get_user_value(const gchar*, const gchar*): assertion
'G_IS_SETTINGS (settings_ptr)' failed
[... and so on]

If I run:
glib-compile-schemas --strict /usr/local/share/glib-2.0/schemas/
2.0/schemas/org.gnucash.dialogs.business.gschema.xml:3:1  Fehler in
Zeile 3, Zeichen 1: <schema id='org.gnucash.dialogs.business'> wurde
bereits angegeben.  --strict was specified; exiting.

I had installed version 4.7 in the same way and it worked fine.

What can I do?


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