Morning Eric,

Fairly sure I copied the list too, am doing so here so that the thread makes 
it to the archives there.

As I said, I'm at a loss to explain what you are seeing.  If the price DB has 
sensible numbers, I don't know why the specific share account would be so far 
off.  I haven't done much more than dabble with share accounts, maybe someone 
else who knows more might be able to jump into the thread in due course.
Good luck fighting it, especially given this morning's fluctuating exchange 


On Thursday, 8 June 2017 23:00:22 BST Eric Coates wrote:
> Hi Maf
> It looks as if you sent the note below to just me so I reply to "just
> you"! If I misunderstand (a) my apologies and (b) I'll repost to the
> mailing list.
> I've only just joined the gnuCash mailing list system so I'm not too
> sure of the exact protocols.
> There's no need to apologise, I've made enough daft mistakes in my life
> to accept that comments (possibly) correcting me are to be valued.
> Warning: Beware British humour ahead. And spelling!
> Re: Your comment "If you are sure you're getting prices for AIR.PA then
> I'm at a loss."
> I am sure - but only to the extent that the gnuCash Price Editor update
> function is telling me the truth. But sometimes you have to trust
> someone/thing!
> At 2228 London time (you'll have to work out your own time differential)
> on 8th June (2017 just 'cos a pedant!) gnuCash reports that €1 is
> £0.879500 and AIR.PA is €73.7500; quick searches on Google (a few
> minutes later) show £0.88 and €73.75 respectively. So, perhaps, gnuCash
> tells the truth - at least this time.
> Take care
> Eric
> PS: I have done quite a few investigations of my situation using
> "generations" of my accounts from 31st May (each just making a "simple"
> change to the previous generation). The version I reported on is
> Generation 3; tomorrow I intend to create the next generation and see
> what happen if (somehow) I can get the Airbus dividends entered into the
> accounts in Euros and transfer the sums to pound denominated accounts
> (using realistic exchange rates to avoid any possible problems in using
> a 1:1 rate). If I succeed and there is a change in behaviour I'll report
> via the mailing list. Perhaps I should report even if there is no
> change, at least it'll close down another avenue of enquiry.
> On 08/06/17 21:02, Maf. King wrote:
> > Hi Eric,
> > 
> > Sorry for being off the mark.  It happened to me a while back that I was
> > getting a price for a symbol in USD not GBP because I'd missed the ".L"
> > for a London share - it seemed to me to be too much of a co-incidence
> > that when gnc- fq-dump looked up AIR (not AIR.PA) I got a USD figure that
> > could be munged close to your observed result.
> > 
> > If you are sure you're getting prices for AIR.PA then I'm at a loss.
> > 
> > what does the GC price editor give as the most recent values for the
> > AIR.PA & EUR/GBP prices?
> > 
> > Maf.

Maf. King
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