
In my original post I included the following "89(the number of shares)*€73.07(the value of each share)*0.87(the Euro to GBP exchange rate) ie £5658" and compared that with the value £3989 as reported in the account listing. At that time I had "many" values in the price database for both the Euro/pound and AIR.PA valuations.

I have just deleted all old values in both for Euro/pound and AIR.PA and the valuation in the account listing changed - and is consistent with a manual calculation of the value.

Problem solved! Well done, that man!

But other questions arise:

(A) Why does the existence old prices stop gnuCash from using the newest price? Is there any connection with the fact that both Euro/pound and AIR.PA had manually entered values?

(B) It's not clear from my original post but my "real" version of gnuCash has a different structure from the version I described. (I made them so that the reported structure was closer to "best practice" as I understood it.) Is there a connection between your solution and the changes I made.

(C) Deleting the old values removes a (sometimes useful) resource. It's a shame to have to lose it

(D) Should I care if I have a working solution?

I will now go back to my real accounts and using the ideas gathered so far try to come up with a simpler structure than I've currently got. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed all the time!


On 09/06/17 11:29, Fred Bone wrote:
On 8 June 2017 at 18:41, Eric Coates said:

But your comment has raised another observation: I updated (on 7th June)
my collected share values and AIR.PA had risen to €73.95 BUT the value
of the 89 shares is still reported as £3989 (in the "Present GBP" column
of the account listing). (The change in the value of holdings in GBP
denominated shares did change in line with the updated prices.)

In fact, an examination of the real value of the Airbus shares
(expressed in Euros) ie €73.03 and the implied present value in GBP
£3989/89 ie £44.82 implies an exchange rate of €1 = £1.62 which has
never (I believe) been the case. It looks as if gnuCash is just making
things up.

Or, more likely, I'm totally misunderstanding what's happening.
Could be a problem with EUR-to-GBP.

I have some Euro-denominated shares (Eurotunnel CDIs) and I get a
valuation consistent with the entries in the Pricedb. I clean the thing
out periodically ("Remove old") so there's only one price-in-EUR to deal
with, and it is evidently using the latest EUR-to-GBP entry (since number
of shares * price-in-EUR * EUR-price-in GBP, rounded, gives the displayed
value, and earlier EUR-to-GBP values aren't close enough).

1. How many entries do you have in Pricedb for AIR.PA?
2. How many Currency entries for EUR?
3. What is the product of the share quantity and the latest entries of
the above two?

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