This isn't an issue only with US stocks. The only alternative source for Australian share prices, the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) stopped working a while ago (and still isn't working; I checked), so now that Yahoo quotes aren't working, I can't get prices for my Australian shares, either.


On 5/11/2017 08:59, farleykj wrote:
This debacle has brought to light another difficulty. The reliance on this
one source (Yahoo) for prices. I don't think any of the other F::Q sources
for US stock prices works. Not fool, fidelity, nasdaq, nyse, for example.
Sending a query with gnc-fq-dump, even with the "-v" flag, yields nothing.
Except "fool" which returns a whole lot of gibberishy text. It seems that
the interfaces to all these sources have evolved, while the code that tries
to interact with them has not.
What to do? I'm going to play around with things a bit, but I'm not a Perl
expert, so I don't know if I'll be successful in my endeavors.

Ken Farley
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