Hi All!
I’m going to discuss (and get people’s opinions) on a way in which many users 
(myself included) struggle to get “what they want” from GNUCash budgeting. 
GNUcash is very strict on proper double-entry bookkeeping practices (which I 
love). In accounting, “budgeting” means that you are plotting out exactly when 
you are going to change account values in what way. It is forecasting the 
future states of the accounts.

So if you have a monthly bill of $50 you need to pay – easy. You enter it into 
the monthly periods - both expense account and asset account. You know you will 
spend that amount, and you (usually) know what asset account you are spending 
it out of. This is budgeting, and allows you to see that you are not losing 
money overall and sending yourself broke by end of year.

The next thing that people call “budgeting” is when they want to save up for 
something, but don’t have a distinct plan of when it will be spent or how it 
will be paid for. My example is “Spending Money” (but perhaps “holiday savings” 
is a better example). I allocate $100 every month to myself and my wife to 
spend as we want (hobbies, clothes, etc). If we don’t spend it, it builds up 
allowing us to buy bigger stuff later. So I should put $100 in each budget 
period against those two expense accounts, right? NO, NO, NO!!!! From an 
accounting perspective, nothing is necessarily going to be spent out of my 
“Spending money” expense account. It is an allocation of money, not a spending 
of money. I can’t predict in advance any real changes to my asset or expense 
accounts from this monthly “allocation of money”. What I am doing from an 
accounting perspective is setting up a liability on myself – a promise to give 
money later to someone (in this case a promise to give money to myself). The 
reduction in my assets (cash) is as completely fake as the increase in 
liability – none of my cash or credit accounts have changed in value.

For now I’m going to call this application “Future allocated money”, and 
controversially say that it is NOT “budgeting”.

So if you have some ‘budget’ purpose such as this, and lament that GNUCash 
can’t give you the running total, the way to deal with it is the way this 
person describes:

The fake asset account is used to show the money that has been allocated for 
certain purposes in the future (ie is unavailable). It needs to be a fake 
account, because usually we don’t know in advanced which asset account we are 
going to spend the allocated money out of. If you know which asset account you 
are going to be spending the money out of, then sure you can just create a 
sub-account to record the amount allocated to this. In this case, you don’t 
really need to record the liability at all (the liability is effectively shown 
in your sub-account), and the transactions become easier – just transferring 
between that sub-account and the actual expense account when you spend. But for 
most people, you need a fake asset account because you don’t know in advance 
which account you will spend out of.

The fake liability account is your running amount you can spend at any time.

<b>The problem in doing this?</b>
It creates extra transactions that look really complicated. Allocating the 
money is one fake transaction involving the fake “asset budgeted” account and 
the “fake liability” account (and in the website they allocate money from a pay 
packet rather than periodically, so it involves the real income and real asset 
account too) . Spending money against a category affects the expense account, 
the asset account, the fake liability account, and the fake “asset budgeted” 
account... Looks confusing at first until your head gets around it.

<b>So how can we make all this easier on people?</b> (both to understand and 
then to implement)? It is a pretty common thing to do.
Perhaps having some way to mark an expense account as “future allocated money” 
based, and having the program automatically create the necessary fake liability 
and asset accounts? And perhaps any expenditure recorded against that expense 
account would be auto amended to include the effects on the fake liability and 
fake asset account?

I think I’m going to try all this for a few more months (and await your 
thoughts!) before coming up with a proposal.

Thanks and regards,

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