As Colin suggested, I Googled the error message. [Silly of me not to look beyond the gnucash archives.]  I've summarized the 3 suggested solutions which I tried, and I also have a thought for consideration by the developers.

First, I have a Dell XPS from 2010 that came with *4* memory card reader slots that I have never used (before today). It is running Windows 7.  For every GnuCash 3.x (including a couple of recent 3.2 maintenance releases) I see the following. If I select "Import transactions from CSV...", I have to cancel 24 no disk pop-up windows (6 for each slot) to continue.  This happens every time I try to import transactions. I don't want to be a whiner, but it quickly becomes annoying.

Here's what I tried that worked.
1) Keep media in the drives.  I scrounged through a box of old stuff and found a compact flash card.  Inserting that into the reader eliminated the error for that slot.  Woo-Hoo.  Only 18 pop-ups to cancel.  I presume if I fill all the slots, the errors will disappear entirely.

2) Disable each drive that causes a problem.  I opened the Device Manager in the control panel. The item "Disk drives" lists all the drives on the machine including those for the memory cards. Disabling a drive eliminates the error for that drive.  If I disable every memory card drive, all the pop-ups are eliminated.

3) Hack the registry.  Go to the registry entry
The default value of of the DWORD "ErrorMode" is "0".  Change "ErrorMode" to "2".  Pop-ups gone. The following link gives more explanation
I pasted the following advice from that page.
"To run an unattended server, use mode 2. The default value is 0."
The implication being one will have to make a visit to the previously unattended server to click on the pop-ups in the event of an error since the server will hang until they are cleared.

Here's my humble thought for consideration by the developers.  If I'm reading the documentation correctly (a big if), the state of ErrorMode can be controlled programmatically on a per process basis via the Windows API.  I think it might solve the problem if sometime shortly after Gnucash starts, it calls "SetErrorMode(SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX)".  Below is a link to the description of the Windows function SetErrorMode().
Assuming it works, perhaps you would consider adding that to the Windows port?


On 8/23/2018 3:23 AM, Colin Law wrote:
Googling  for that error message finds lots of hits.  It seems to be
do do with having a drive that windows thinks is there but actually
isn't.  Something like that anyway.  There are some solutions offered.

On Thu, 23 Aug 2018 at 04:39, jeffrey black <> wrote:
On 8/22/2018 1:43 PM, Adrien Monteleone wrote:
Were either of you at any time storing your GnuCash files on an SD card?

If so, I’d suggest using a card to load the file, then doing a Save As 
elsewhere (with the card still in the drive). Then close and re-open GnuCash to 
load from the new location. THEN Safely Eject and remove the SD card.

Otherwise, some sort of bug is at play.


On Aug 22, 2018, at 7:30 AM, Mike stagl <> wrote:

I have the same issue on Windows 7 and GnuCash 3.2, and I believe its because I 
have several SD card readers on my machine and no cards installed in them.

I haven't looked into a work around yet, but I agree its highly annoying.

I figure I'll need to uninstall my SD card readers in order to stop the alerts.

Anyone else have any thoughts?


From: Patrick Murez <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 1:34 AM
Subject: [GNC] No Disk error

Dear all I want to report a problem already submitted in this mailing list
with no answer so far:


I am starting over with gnucash, and thought I'd do a clean re-install.
Note, I am on windows, and have removed all the gnucash files I could
find before installing 3.1.

However, now I am getting an annoying error message every time I try to
look at the preferences, as well as when I do "save as":

Gnucash.exe - No Disk
There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive

I have the options Cancel, Try Again and Continue. Try Again just pops
up the message again, so do the other two too. However, if I click
enough times on Cancel or Continue, the message goes away.

Note, when I change something in Preferences, that change stays when I
quit and restart.

This is quite annoying, and if anybody could shed some light on what has
happened and how to get rid of said message, I'd be very happy.


your help will great.



Patrick Murez, Ch. Eng.
Unit Manager Technical Trainings
Ruashi mining

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I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest it is a Micro$oft
"upgrade" problem.  My home Winoze server is up 24/7 (yes I know, ughh
run a real os ), barring power outages out here in the sticks.

I do not know how many updates my computer installed since its last
reboot but; I do know that I have had trouble for the last week
accessing usb drives.  Part of the time they exist and part of time they
don't according to windoze.

Not much help but; a little more information.

--JEffrey Black M.B.A.

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