

> On Sep 10, 2019 w37d253, at 1:36 PM, Geert Janssens 
> <> wrote:
> In gnucash 3.x all uses of gnucash printf have been replaced with guile's own 
> "format" function [1]. The printf hack was calling the c-function printf, 
> which is adding overhead for no gain.
> The same conversion from printf to (format ) will have to be applied to 
> Doug's 
> reports.
> Regards,
> Geert
> [1]
> Op dinsdag 10 september 2019 19:48:32 CEST schreef Adrien Monteleone:
>> cat $TMPDIR/gnucash.trace
>> will show some info, but as I noted in the first post, not enough to
>> determine which report(s) are the problem.
>> However, running GnuCash from the terminal like so:
>> /Applications/ --debug --log gnc.scm=debug
>> Will generate more info that is useful. The output I included in the first
>> post are from 3 such runs.
>> This is documented at:
>> From there, the tracefile is output to stderr which in this case was the
>> same terminal. So I only need to see if the report(s) showed up in the
>> menu, and then checked the terminal each time as I uncommented them one by
>> one in the config-user.scm file.
>> Each one that has a problem was indicated in the terminal by a ‘failed to
>> compile’ error and noted the info about `gnucash main` not being found. (as
>> well as the `printf` module)
>> I tried changing from loading `gnucash main` to `gnucash utilities` on a
>> hunch. (no real expectation that would work of course since the referenced
>> code is likely entirely different) That exposed a failure for `printf`
>> which I then commented out, but of course, the later code needs it, so it
>> still failed. I’d have to know what was in `gnucash main` that the report
>> needs as well as how it used `printf` and then re-write all of that. As I
>> don’t yet know Scheme, I’m not able to do so just yet. I was hoping Doug
>> (who published these reports) might have updated them.
>> Regards,
>> Adrien
>>> On Sep 10, 2019 w37d253, at 11:07 AM, Geert Janssens
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> As you suggest this is likely due to errors in the report code. If so
>>> there
>>> should be more details either in the gnucash trace file or on the console.
>>> I'm not on Macos so I'm not sure where console messages get written for
>>> applications that are launched from the gui.
>>> You may be able to run gnucash in a terminal in which case these message
>>> will probably be printed in that terminal.
>>> Regards,
>>> Geert
>>> Op dinsdag 10 september 2019 16:39:47 CEST schreef John Morris:
>>>> Hi Adrien,
>>>> I worked my way through the GnuCash wiki on loading custom reports at
>>>> ts
>>>> . I made a tiny bit of headway, but not much.
>>>> I have set up a new file called config-user.scm in ~/Library/Application
>>>> Support/GnuCash on my fully updated Mojave system. This replaced the
>>>> filed
>>>> called config.user I copied from my Yosemite installation running GnuCash
>>>> 2.6.16.
>>>> As part of following the instruction on the wiki, I copied the Hello
>>>> World
>>>> report from the GnuCash application package and modified it slightly to
>>>> be
>>>> different from the example report. I then placed it in
>>>> ~/Library/Application Support/GnuCash/John Report and added
>>>> (load (gnc-build-userdata-path "John-Report.scm”))
>>>> as the first line of config-user.scm. This loaded a report called John
>>>> Report into the top level of the Reports menu, so I know I at least have
>>>> that part working.
>>>> However, using a similar line in the config-user.scm file for the reports
>>>> I
>>>> downloaded from this list gives me nothing in the Reports menu. In fact,
>>>> if
>>>> I place those lines before the John-Report line, even it does not appear.
>>>> I
>>>> guess some problem in those other reports is terminating the whole
>>>> loading
>>>> process. That seems like an odd way of doing things. I tried this singly
>>>> with each report an none of them worked, including the consolidation
>>>> report
>>>> Doug Doughty contributed on June 4, 2018 as an update to work with
>>>> GnuCash
>>>> 3.1.
>>>> I guess I have to wait until I have time to learn Scheme or someone else
>>>> updates these reports to work with GnuCash’s ever-changing interface.
>>>> Best,
>>>> John
>>>>> On Sep 9, 2019, at 5:57 PM, Adrien Monteleone
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> I didn’t get to test #1 & #2 again, but sticking with #3, I started
>>>>> GnuCash with
>>>>> --debug --log gnc.scm=debug
>>>>> And got some useful info.
>>>>> It seems all but one of the reports were using:
>>>>> (use-modules (gnucash main))
>>>>> which apparently doesn’t exist any more.
>>>>> The one report that did work was using:
>>>>> (use-modules (gnucash utilities))
>>>>> I haven’t had a look yet to see what the changes were and what that
>>>>> includes.
>>>>> The other failing reports also use:
>>>>> (use-modules (gnucash printf))
>>>>> which apparently also doesn’t exist and was commented out in the one
>>>>> working report.
>>>>> Unfortunately, the code for those reports would have to be updated it
>>>>> seems to avoid those modules as they fail with them commented out.
>>>>> (understandably)
>>>>> The following loads and runs correctly:
>>>>> consolidate-transactions.scm
>>>>> The following all fail and need to be updated:
>>>>> compare-cash-flows.scm
>>>>> current-vs-average.scm
>>>>> transaction-budget.scm
>>>>> reconcile.scm (supposedly a re-write, was this already incorporated into
>>>>> the included report?) missing-checks.scm (I don’t use this, but noticed
>>>>> it failed as well)
>>>>> If anyone has any info on fixing the above reports with respect to the
>>>>> main & printf modules, or where I might find more current versions, many
>>>>> thanks.
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