> I don't know about any other GTK3 program. I checked 
> 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GTK' but I don't recognize anything.

If you don’t knowingly have other GTK3 programs installed, then you can ignore 
this question.

>>>> Finally, try different fonts, including the default, and see what the 
>>>> printed result looks like.
>>> I tried different fonts in ~/Library/Application\ 
>>> Support/Gnucash/config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
>>> but it seems to have no effect on the 'Print Invoice' button result window, 
>>> or on error messages.
>> So any font you choose mangles those three letters? Do other fonts mangle 
>> other letters?
> No, any font I specify in ~/Library/Application\ 
> Support/Gnucash/config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css is OK.

Ah, I was misreading, sorry. I also was misunderstanding the original post. The 
`*` selector should mean the font rule will apply to all elements in the app’s 
UI. (which would include error messages in dialogs) But the printed reports 
have defined stylesheets that provide their own font declarations. Check to see 
what those are set for and which stylesheet is being used, try other fonts and 
see if the problem persists.

Also, while technically it should work either way, the wiki page on 
Configuration Locations notes TWO config locations: 


HOME/Library/Application Support/GnuCash


HOME/Library/Application Support/GnuCash/config/gtk-3.0

Notice that one is 2 levels down. I have my custom CSS file in the first one 
and it works fine. I’ve never tried putting it in the gtk-3.0 directory.

The wiki GTK3 page recommends using the first one as well: 

>> I’m thinking this might well be a GTK issue. Do you still have this problem 
>> after uninstalling GTK3 via MacPorts?
> Same with and without.

So that is eliminated, I’m still leaning towards a corrupt font file.

1. Open FontBook.app
2. Select ‘All Fonts’ in the sidebar
3. Click one font in the list, then CMD-A to ’select-all’
4. File > Validate Fonts

This will check all of your font files for errors or problems and report which 
ones are bad/problematic. You can then delete or disable those fonts. If you 
find any and delete/disable them, then restart GnuCash and see if the problem 

>> What IS the default font on a mac, so that I can check it for errors?
>> Unfortunately, Apple hides it from us. It is ’San Francisco’ by name, but 
>> you can’t see it in FontBook and it isn’t selectable in apps. (best I can 
>> tell)
> I have 'SFNS Display' in Font Book, and it doesn't look like the system font.

That is a different font entirely.

I did find this interesting tidbit with relevance to CSS: 

I don’t know if GTK apps will work with it, but maybe try -apple-system in your 
font stack declaration. Note, that by default, if GnuCash is using the default 
system display font, you likely won’t see any change.

>> But I think the default stylesheets in GnuCash use Arial. Maybe give that a 
>> try. Also, simply commenting out your font declaration in the CSS file will 
>> restore the app’s default for the UI.
> The font use for 'print invoice, error messages, etc' is not affected by the 
> gtk.css, where is it defined?

As for the printable reports - fonts are defined in stylesheets within 
GnuCash., not in the config directories or a custom app-wide CSS file. (as 
noted above) You can create your own or edit existing ones. (including the 
default stylesheet)

See Edit > Style Sheets for editing them, and Options > General for stylesheet 
assignment for that report.

I’m not clear what you mean by ‘error messages, etc.’ Dialogs are controlled by 
the UI and that *should* be affected by a `*` CSS selector. (though GTK3 CSS 
doesn’t always play nice like web CSS)

Troubleshooting font issues can be quite a rabbit hole at times.

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