> On 16 Oct 2019, at 21:22, Adrien Monteleone <adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> 
> wrote:

>>>>> Finally, try different fonts, including the default, and see what the 
>>>>> printed result looks like.
>>>> I tried different fonts in ~/Library/Application\ 
>>>> Support/Gnucash/config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
>>>> but it seems to have no effect on the 'Print Invoice' button result 
>>>> window, or on error messages.
>>> So any font you choose mangles those three letters? Do other fonts mangle 
>>> other letters?
>> No, any font I specify in ~/Library/Application\ 
>> Support/Gnucash/config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css is OK.
> Ah, I was misreading, sorry. I also was misunderstanding the original post. 
> The `*` selector should mean the font rule will apply to all elements in the 
> app’s UI. (which would include error messages in dialogs) But the printed 
> reports have defined stylesheets that provide their own font declarations. 
> Check to see what those are set for and which stylesheet is being used, try 
> other fonts and see if the problem persists.

> Also, while technically it should work either way, the wiki page on 
> Configuration Locations notes TWO config locations: 
> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Configuration_Locations#GNC_CONFIG_HOME
> HOME/Library/Application Support/GnuCash
> HOME/Library/Application Support/GnuCash/config/gtk-3.0
> Notice that one is 2 levels down. I have my custom CSS file in the first one 
> and it works fine. I’ve never tried putting it in the gtk-3.0 directory.
> The wiki GTK3 page recommends using the first one as well: 
> https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/GTK3#Typefaces

HOME/Library/Application Support/GnuCash/config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
does affect the general UI but not error meesages and 'print invoice' button.

HOME/Library/Application Support/GnuCash/gtk-3.0.css 
does exactly the same.

No differences between placing css in GNC_CONFIG_HOME or GTK_CONFIG_HOME.

> So that is eliminated, I’m still leaning towards a corrupt font file.
> 1. Open FontBook.app
> 2. Select ‘All Fonts’ in the sidebar
> 3. Click one font in the list, then CMD-A to ’select-all’
> 4. File > Validate Fonts
> This will check all of your font files for errors or problems and report 
> which ones are bad/problematic. You can then delete or disable those fonts. 
> If you find any and delete/disable them, then restart GnuCash and see if the 
> problem persists.

lots of duplicates, all were disabled, now removed. 
minor warnings for Bauhaus 93 (1), DYMO Symbols (1), Tamburo (1)
restarted mac, restarted gnucash. nothing has changed.

[..default font skipped..]

> As for the printable reports - fonts are defined in stylesheets within 
> GnuCash., not in the config directories or a custom app-wide CSS file. (as 
> noted above) You can create your own or edit existing ones. (including the 
> default stylesheet)

I do accounting for all my family members, they each have different logo's etc> 
I made personal modifications to a copy of these reports. no problem at all.

> See Edit > Style Sheets for editing them, and Options > General for 
> stylesheet assignment for that report.
> I’m not clear what you mean by ‘error messages, etc.’ Dialogs are controlled 
> by the UI and that *should* be affected by a `*` CSS selector. (though GTK3 
> CSS doesn’t always play nice like web CSS)

I have a new screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/JW2kTrh
It shows my css-specified font menlo but the error message has the same problem 

> Troubleshooting font issues can be quite a rabbit hole at times.

But you WILL visit Wonderland!

> Regards,
> Adrien

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