
The Transaction Report has some aggregation and sorting features in the Options 
> Sorting tab, and you can refine the view in Options > Display. You might play 
with those till you find something close to what you are looking for.

Optionally, export or copy/paste your report to a spreadsheet and manipulate 
from there.

Another option is the Vendor Report (if you’ve set the counter-party up that 
way) You would get a ‘balance forward’ and then each transaction since then for 
whatever period you are reporting for. Of course, this requires use of the 
business features for all associated transactions.

An alternative to manually ‘closing’ the account (and then reversing that) 
would be to report just for the current desired period (say 2019), then move 
the resulting report to a spreadsheet and add the balance forward manually 
there. If you need the balance calculated, just run a separate report for the 
beginning of your book to 12/31/18 and take the bottom line grand total to your 

The Vendor Report is likely what you are looking for, but again, that would 
require a different workflow than manual transactions. It may or may not be 
worth it to you to refactor that transaction history accordingly, or else just 
switch to that for 2020.


> On Jan 2, 2020 w1d2, at 1:45 PM, Paul Kroitor <> wrote:
> Hello, and happy New Year to all of you using whatever the name is for the 
> calendar that just started the year 2020!
> I am trying to produce an annual statement for a counter-party with whom we 
> have a current account. It's set up in GnuCash as a liability account, as 
> generally the balance is in their favour.
> In 2018, which was the first year the account was open, it was easy: I made a 
> simple report - a modified Transaction Report - that listed all the 
> transactions, and a total. But for 2019, I am having a problem creating it, 
> because it should start with the opening balance (the total at the end of the 
> 2018 report) and then run forward from there. The only way I can see to have 
> the prior balance is to include all historical transactions (or as per the 
> Ps. below).
> In Quicken (for example), a register report will always have an "Opening 
> Balance" line which will be the total of all the transactions prior to the 
> start date of the report. But I cannot find any way to achieve the same 
> result in GnuCash. Am I missing something?
> Thanks as always for all thoughts,
> Paul
> [PS: I know I could move the total liability to somewhere else on Dec 31st, 
> and then move it back on Jan 1st - a sort of a manual book closing, but for a 
> liability rather than income / expenses - but these seems tedious and 
> error-prone. However, I'll use this work-around if there's no way to achieve 
> it programmatically.]

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