I’ve just installed version 4.1, and opened each of my .gnucash files in turn, 
in case there was some need for file modifications in the transition from 3.9 
to 4.1.

I noticed that the Save button became active on all of them, except for one 
which had only the Accounts tab open.

I then opened one of these files and ran Check & Repair All. This caused 
virtually all menu items to be greyed out.

When I eventually quit Gnucash I got a segfault notification, which begins as 
follows below.

I have the full report if this is of interest.

Is it safe to proceed (avoiding Check & Repair), or should I revert to backup 
files and version 3.9?



Process:               Gnucash [49826]
Path:                  /Applications/Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash
Identifier:            Gnucash
Version:               4.1-1 (4.1-1)
Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        ??? [1]
Responsible:           Gnucash [49826]
User ID:               501

Date/Time:             2020-08-06 17:29:36.027 +0100
OS Version:            Mac OS X 10.15.6 (19G73)
Report Version:        12
Anonymous UUID:        6E4C0EFC-2FF3-6AA3-4C59-DBC3DB6D08BC

Sleep/Wake UUID:       94373E3A-E7D1-4A76-B488-9024DF27541B

Time Awake Since Boot: 290000 seconds
Time Since Wake:       1200 seconds

System Integrity Protection: disabled

Crashed Thread:        0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
Exception Codes:       EXC_I386_GPFLT
Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Termination Signal:    Segmentation fault: 11
Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xb
Terminating Process:   exc handler [49826]

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   libgnc-engine.dylib                 0x000000010aa06b50 
xaccTransScrubOrphans + 32
1   libgnc-engine.dylib                 0x000000010aa07380 
xaccTransScrubCurrency + 48
2   libgnc-engine.dylib                 0x000000010aa07213 
xaccAccountScrubImbalance + 243
3   libgnc-engine.dylib                 0x000000010a9ed4ec 
gnc_account_foreach_descendant + 220
4   libgnc-engine.dylib                 0x000000010a9ed4fa 
gnc_account_foreach_descendant + 234
5   libgnc-engine.dylib                 0x000000010a9ed4fa 
gnc_account_foreach_descendant + 234
6   libgnc-gnome.dylib                  0x00000001073c3de3 
gnc_plugin_page_account_tree_cmd_scrub_all + 99
7   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib              0x000000010a61b03d g_closure_invoke + 
8   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib              0x000000010a631540 
signal_emit_unlocked_R + 1664
9   libgobject-2.0.0.dylib              0x000000010a632342 g_signal_emit_valist 
+ 2146
10  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib              0x000000010a632a82 g_signal_emit + 130
11  libgtk-3.0.dylib                    0x000000010998f914 
_gtk_action_emit_activate + 68
12  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib              0x000000010a61b226 _g_closure_invoke_va 
+ 198
13  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib              0x000000010a632058 g_signal_emit_valist 
+ 1400
14  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib              0x000000010a632a82 g_signal_emit + 130
15  libgobject-2.0.0.dylib              0x000000010a61b03d g_closure_invoke + 
16  libgtkmacintegration-gtk3.2.dylib   0x000000010a68754f idle_call_activate + 
17  libgdk-3.0.dylib                    0x0000000109fb79b2 gdk_threads_dispatch 
+ 50
18  libglib-2.0.0.dylib                 0x00000001071e832d 
g_main_context_dispatch + 349
19  libglib-2.0.0.dylib                 0x00000001071e86a9 
g_main_context_iterate + 537
20  libglib-2.0.0.dylib                 0x00000001071e89ea g_main_loop_run + 250
21  libgtk-3.0.dylib                    0x00000001097cd2da gtk_main + 74
22  libgnc-gnome-utils.dylib            0x000000010955888c 
gnc_ui_start_event_loop + 76
23  org.gnucash.Gnucash                 0x0000000106e00dbf 
scm_run_gnucash(void*, int, char**) + 1039
24  libguile-2.2.1.dylib                0x00000001070138c2 invoke_main_func + 34
25  libguile-2.2.1.dylib                0x0000000106ff288f c_body + 15
26  libguile-2.2.1.dylib                0x000000010708090c vm_regular_engine + 
27  libguile-2.2.1.dylib                0x000000010707f463 scm_call_n + 739
28  libguile-2.2.1.dylib                0x000000010707bef6 catch + 486
29  libguile-2.2.1.dylib                0x0000000106ff2859 
scm_c_with_continuation_barrier + 137
30  libguile-2.2.1.dylib                0x000000010707ba6f with_guile + 63
31  libgc.1.dylib                       0x000000010713d9cb 
GC_call_with_stack_base + 27
32  libguile-2.2.1.dylib                0x0000000107079a9b scm_with_guile + 43
33  libguile-2.2.1.dylib                0x0000000107013885 scm_boot_guile + 69
34  org.gnucash.Gnucash                 0x0000000106e00959 
Gnucash::Gnucash::start(int, char**) + 617
35  org.gnucash.Gnucash                 0x0000000106e0154e main + 990
36  libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff69b29cc9 start + 1

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