Hi Samantha

I see nothing wrong there - the SET command does not return any output.

Please try the 3rd command - it should show you your key:



On 26/08/2020 8:10 pm, Samantha Payn wrote:
Hi Geoff
Thank you for this.
For some reason I encounter a problem trying to enter my API key at the CMD prompt. Way (way!) back John gave me two routes to start investigating the problem and the CMD prompt route didn't work so we stuck with the Powershell route. At that time I thought it was my inability to type commands correctly, but I have since been copy/pasting everything into Powershell, and today into the CMD prompt window. Please see attachment which shows a different result to the one your example does.
On 26 August 2020 05:39 Geoff < cleanoutmys...@gmail.com <mailto:cleanoutmys...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Good morning Samantha

Today's task is to repair your perl installation (specifically the
missing "Date::Manip" module) so that gnucash can use the perl
Finance::Quote module to retrieve currency exchange rates for you.

I have tested this on my Windows 10 PC today by manually deleting the
Date::Manip module then reinstalling it using the steps below. Note
that instead of using Powershell as you have been doing to date, you
will use the DOS Command Shell to enter the necessary commands. Please
refer to the attached screenshots as you proceed.

Screenshot: gnucsh_date_manip_1_command_prompt.jpg
The objective here is to open a DOS Command Shell running with
Administrator privileges. There several ways to do this, the one I have
shown involves typing "cmd" into the search box on the left of the
Windows task bar at the bottom of your screen. A new window will open
titled "Administrator: Command Prompt". Type these 4 commands into that
window - obviously using your own API Key:
cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin"
set ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY=your_actual_key

Screenshot: gnucsh_date_manip_2_installation.jpg
The gnucash perl installation script is now running and you will see a
heap of gobbledygook on your screen like this.

Screenshot: gnucsh_date_manip_3_long_delay.jpg
After a few minutes the installation will appear to "freeze" at this
point. Just be patient and wait, I have seen it take over 30 minutes in
some cases.

Screenshot: gnucsh_date_manip_4_completion.jpg
This is what it should look like after a successful installation. If
you don't see this, please send details including a screenshot and we
will decide the next steps.

Screenshot: gnucsh_date_manip_5_testing.jpg
Assuming you do have a successful installation, let's test it out by
typing (or pasting) these 3 commands into the window:
echo (currency "GBP" "EUR") | perl gnc-fq-helper
echo (currency "USD" "GBP") | perl gnc-fq-helper
echo (currency "USD" "EUR") | perl gnc-fq-helper

Good luck!


On 25/08/2020 10:18 pm, Samantha Payn wrote:
Thanks Geoff! Sleep well!
On 25 August 2020 13:17 Geoff < cleanoutmys...@gmail.com <mailto:cleanoutmys...@gmail.com> <mailto: cleanoutmys...@gmail.com <mailto:cleanoutmys...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>> Ah hah! This could be the cause of all your problems.
>> That error message says that your perl installation is missing a key
>> component - the "Date::Manip" module.
>> Explaining how to fix this will take a bit of effort, and as it is now
>> bedtime in my part of the world, I will try to knock up some
>> instructions for you tomorrow.
>> Stay tuned.
>> Geoff
>> =====
>> On 25/08/2020 9:24 pm, Samantha Payn wrote:
>>> Hi Geoff
>>> Thanks for your suggestoins. This is what I get:
>>> PS C:\Users\User> $Env:ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY = 'mykey'
>>> PS C:\Users\User> echo '(currency "USD" "GBP")' | perl 'c:\Program Files
>>> (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnc-fq-helper'
>>> Can't locate Date/Manip.pm in @INC (you may need to install the
>>> Date::Manip module) (@INC contains: C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib
>>> C:/Strawberry/perl/vendor/lib C:/Strawberry/perl/lib) at c:\Program
>>> Files (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnc-fq-helper line 29.
>>> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at c:\Program Files
>>> (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnc-fq-helper line 29.
>>> PS C:\Users\User> echo '(currency "USD" "EUR")' | perl 'c:\Program Files
>>> (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnc-fq-helper'
>>> Can't locate Date/Manip.pm in @INC (you may need to install the
>>> Date::Manip module) (@INC contains: C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib
>>> C:/Strawberry/perl/vendor/lib C:/Strawberry/perl/lib) at c:\Program
>>> Files (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnc-fq-helper line 29.
>>> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at c:\Program Files
>>> (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnc-fq-helper line 29.
>>> PS C:\Users\User> echo '(currency "GBP" "EUR")' | perl 'c:\Program Files
>>> (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnc-fq-helper'
>>> Can't locate Date/Manip.pm in @INC (you may need to install the
>>> Date::Manip module) (@INC contains: C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib
>>> C:/Strawberry/perl/vendor/lib C:/Strawberry/perl/lib) at c:\Program
>>> Files (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnc-fq-helper line 29.
>>> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at c:\Program Files
>>> (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnc-fq-helper line 29.
>>> PS C:\Users\User>
>>> Thanks for taking up the cudgels on this one.
>>> Samantha
>>>> On 25 August 2020 12:13 Geoff < cleanoutmys...@gmail.com <mailto:cleanoutmys...@gmail.com>
>>>> <mailto: cleanoutmys...@gmail.com <mailto:cleanoutmys...@gmail.com>>
>>>> <mailto: cleanoutmys...@gmail.com <mailto:cleanoutmys...@gmail.com>
>>>> <mailto: cleanoutmys...@gmail.com <mailto:cleanoutmys...@gmail.com>>>> wrote:
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